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The Vision of Desire

Chapter 4 RATS IN A TRAP

Word Count: 2234    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

ed to the edge. For an instant she closed her eyes, shrinking with a sick dread from what they might show her-Tony's young, lithe body

ain it sloped gradually outwards, culminating in a broad, projecting ledge which formed the lip of the actual precipice itself. Tony lay on the ledge, motionless, with outflung arms and white, upturned face.

moments she lay where she was, unable to control the trembling of her limbs, her aching eyes staring fixedly down at the still, prone figure on the ledge below. But t

ld have to go back to the hotel in search of help. But that would take an hour or more! And meanwhile Tony was lying there untended. She couldn't wait! She must get to him-get to him at once, and know whether he were living or dead. She flung herself down on the ground once more

irection which the track seemed to take, and at length, with a gaspin

ge, in parts not more than a foot wide, was a severe test of her endurance. A single false step meant death, instantaneous and inevitable, and t

bove sloped gently upwards. A few steps more and she could see Tony's young, supine figure. The last three yards were accomplished at a run, and an instant later she was kneel

id glint of blue-a single gentian bloom still tightly clasped in the boy's hand, and quite suddenly she began to cry, the tears running unchecked down her face. A

voice was hoar

nked at her

rather feebly.

she cried unsteadily. "Oh, To

d her cons

. Why should I be killed?" Then, clearer conscious

houlders and raised him a little

k calmly. "You were climbing up and

as I was getting to the top. A rott

ou hurt?" persis

imbs tentatively. "No, there's nothing broken

up, but Ann pressed him

" she cried hastily. "Li

e-sure you'

's clearing, too. I was only knocked out of time for a minute. Don't worry

y. Her spirits were returning now that she was assure

of it all, wouldn't it?" he re

Don't speak

ay, you needn't worry. I shan't die


ould stand now?" sh

s gleamed

am," he remarked, rubbing h

the temptat

," she returned brief

up at

Why didn't you

h too concerned about you to have time for

t of time for a few minutes. He might have been made of indiarubber for all the actual harm h

I'm going to try and climb up there a second time. How on earth did y

d, and it brings you out somewhere on the top. Are you sure you ca

pipe here if you liked. Still, I'll hold your hand-just in case of accidents"-audaciously.

d what the little blue flower had so nearly

er of speech which yet always seemed to hold an undercurrent of bitterness. "It's not worth that. See

For an instant it seemed to hover in the air like

e first lesson,

on on

your reach." Without giving her time to reply, he continued: "Give me your hand-no,

ltogether sorry to feel that friendly, human grip. In single file they made the perilous return journey along the narrow track, emerg

de of affairs. She felt she did not want to discuss their adventure. It was too vividly impressed upon her mind a

led out

have to sprint. And I've done you out o

d the matter with a rath

I'm worrying abou

at her c

uppose you are

ch practically adjoined it, came into sight, the train was already drawn up at the platform, waiting to start. A shrill whistle cut the ai

laconically. And even as he spoke the train,

s following it with an e

breathless. "Do you know-have you r


've mis

d she turned on him with a flash of im

. "How do you suppose we're going to

eyes surveyed her placidly

faintest idea,"

Her nerves had been wrought up to a high pitch by the afternoon's

he spoke again it was with a quiet co

the moment. But I'll get you safely back to Montricheux

eeks'-old copy of a London magazine which he unearthed from amongst a dusty pile of luridly illustrated handbooks on Switzerland, Tony departed to make inquiries regarding thei

ith obvious reluctance. "I'm not able to keep my pro

ed up inc

" she repeated.

hook h

al train is the only means of getting up and down f

suddenly off Ann's knee and

ly able to believe him. "Do you really m

question in the unmistakable conc

't-we can't stay here!" She sprang up, clasping and unclasping h

g you back to Villa Mon R?ve to-night, I'd move heaven and earth to do it. But t

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