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The Truth About Tristrem Varick

Chapter 4 No.4

Word Count: 3025    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

he continued to avail himself of it with frequence and constancy, should surprise no one. During the earliest of these v

ne of his fancy. This, however, by the way. Mrs. Raritan was a woman who, in her youth, must have been very beautiful, and traces of that beauty she still preserved. When she spoke her voice endeared her to you, and in her manner there was tha

Raritan was at home it was seldom that her mother was visible. But it was not long before Tristrem became an occasional guest at dinner, and it was in the process of breaking bread that a semblance of intimacy was established. And at last,

see him when the seeing would have been easy, and summoned him when the summons was least to be expected. He was useful to her as a piece of furniture, and she utilized him as such. In the matter

miration for her daughter, and who consoled him as best she might; but that was all. And so the winter passed and the green afternoons turned sultry, and Tristrem was not a step further advanced than on the day when he had left the girl at the milliner's. On the infrequent occasions when he had ventured to say some

em passed an hour selecting, with infinite and affectionate care, a small bundle of foreign literature. In the package he found room for Balzac's "Pierrette" and the "Curé de Tours," one of Mme. Craven's stupidities, a volu

ooks aside. "When we get in order at Narraga

ave revelled more. "There are any number

if you wish

, but

y is this: there is no reason why you should care, and yet--. See here; take two slips of paper, write on one, I will marry you, and, on the other, Put a bullet through your head, and let me draw. I would take the chance so gladly. But that chance, of course, you will not give. Why should you, after all? Why shou

as pendant at her side. And while he still addressed her, she arose with the indolence of a panther, crossed the room, picked up a miniature from a table, eyed it as though she had neve

alone of all others in the world could impart. And, as the measures of the song rose and fell, they brought him a transient exhilaration like to that which comes of champagne, dowering him with factitious force wherewith to str

t done so already it is because of my mother. But should I decide to do so, there are years of study before me yet. In which case I could not marry, that is self-evident, not only because I would not marry a man who would suffer me to sing in public-don't interrupt-but also because-well, you told me that you understood the possibilities of the human voice, and you must know what the result would be. But even independent of that, yo

be hard,

nding and glanced at the clock. "You must go n

the wrist. "You might as well ask me to increase my stature," he answe

oquence which came to him in solitude would visit him once at her side, if he could plead to her with the fervor with which he addressed the walls, full surely her answer would be other. She would make no proffer then of friendship, or if she did, it would be of that friendship which is born of love, and is better than love itself. But as he walked on the enchantment of the night encircled him. He declined to accept her reply; he told himself that in his eagerness he had been abrupt; that a girl who was worth the winning was slow of capture; that he had expected months to give him what only years could afford, an

ch he had come, that he stepped back a little to let it pass. As he did so he looked in at the fare. The cab was beyond him in a second, but in the mom

He only appeared when dinner was announced, and after he had seated himself at the table he asked grace of God in a low, determined fashion, and that was the end of the conversation. Tristrem remembered that in the infr

e put his hat and coat in the vestiary and was about t

was the originator of the cloak-room? Of course you don't-I'll tell you; who do you suppose now? Give it up?

it before; but, though the novelist was of the genus spongia, he was seldom tiresome, often entertaining, and moreover, Tristrem was one who would rather pay than not. As there were few of

ssed on with a nod, but Tristrem caught him by the arm. Of late he had seen little of

you last night, didn'

nce an idea seemed to strike him. "I dare say," he answered, "I roam about now and then like anyone

l, but the fact is I a


ir might look at a wizard. He was so astonishe

is afternoon. She is dining at the Wainwarings. Look in at Gramercy Park."

like to put in a book. She has hell in her eyes and heaven in her voice. What a heroine she would make!" he exclaimed, enth

aid Tristrem, in a manner w

ailor is a matter of small moment

know what the woman thought. Now, in regard to Miss Raritan, half the men in the city are after her, pour le bon motif, s'entend; but when a girl has had the dessus du panier at her feet, no fellow can afford to ask her to take a promenade with

s to do with it," Tristre

ty, and how many more you may have in that crypt of yours in Waverley Place, heaven only knows. Imprimis, if you accept Dr. Holmes as an authority, you are a thorough-going swell. In the second place, you look like a Greek shepherd. Third, you are the biggest catch in polite

it, I never said anything abo

ck in his chair and summoned a waiter with an upward mov

sing from the table as he spoke. "It's hot in here. I m

aciously to himself. "Another man overboard," he muttered,

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