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The Tour

Chapter 4 No.4

Word Count: 1347    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

e-leather sandal adorned with gold relief and small, for all that Uncle Catullus was pleased to say. It was the only trace that Ilia had left behind her

he struck the gong and summoned Tarra

and bring hi

ered in Caleb, who approached with graceful salaa

"sit down and listen

istening, my lord," said Ca

sibyls, so I am told, living in the desert. I want to know something. I want to know where some one is, one who is dear to me and far away. I want to consult the oracles and the prophets and sibyls. You m

," replied Caleb, "and this ve


by ourselves

h the travelling merchants from distant foreign lands, who happen to-day to be staying in the diversorium, have to offer for sale? I will have the sherbet prepared and the

ul, fantastic stories of Herodotus charmed the old tutor's mind, which was not disinclined to fantasy; but Thrasyllus also took pleasure in the more succinct descriptions of the learned Eratosthenes, Ptolemy Evergetes' librarian, who lived three centuries before and was a noted astronomer, philo

es, for he wished to be well-informed about the country which he was about to visit, that mysterious country of age-old history and colossal art, while also he did not despise the quite modern writings of his contempora

eir slaves toiled under their heavy bales of merchandise, which were slung on pliant sticks over their shoulders. The merchants bent low in salaams before the wealthy Roman, bowed down to the earth, kissed the ground which his foot had trodden, all eager to sell their exotic wares at a profit above the ordinary to so distinguished a traveller.

to Tarrar, who was squatting besid

eepily rubbing his eyes, in a wide silk indoor simar;

you please. Those embroideries from Tyre a

broideries; and the merchants uttered loud cries of protest and lifted their hand

that trash. Show

c pets: the snakes had a small sardonyx encrusted in their heads, where it had grown into their scaly skin, and they danced on the tips of their tails, to the piping of the Indians' flutes. They were attractive little creatures and did not cost more than

tail of purple silk, with a tassel to it. This merchant offered little black balls, to be smoked in peculiar pipes; he asked Lucius to accept a pipe and a couple of little blac

hable price and presented them to his nephew, who of course paid for them in his stead. But, when Lucius held th

for her stola. Tarrar, put the pretty embroideries away, with the Mongolian pills and all the ot

kes, my lord?" asked Tar

.. to play with," sa

larly good and considered that Lucius' cook ought really to write down this Egyptian recipe

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