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The Third Degree

Chapter 10 No.10

Word Count: 2611    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

s way in. All the policemen were exhausted. The prisoner was on the verge of collapse. Maloney and Patrolman Delaney were dozing on chairs, but Captain Clinton, a marvel of ir

s with the greatest difficulty that he kept on his feet. Every moment he seemed about to fall. At times he clutched the table nervously

ed. "What's the good of all these q

r. His eyes rolled in his head.

undered the ca

bbing. He was losing his power to resist. The captain saw he was weakening, and he smiled with satisfaction. He'd soon get a confessi

and you kn

eplied How

houted the captain. "There's already en

head helplessly.

. Good God! What's the use of questioning me

me here?" thund

ars when we were at college together, and I tried to get it. I've told you so many times. You won't believe

led the captain. "We've sent for h

nt, as if racking his br

usand. I forget. I

d you the money?" de

r, with hesitation. "He c

as a quarrel, and--" Suddenly leaning forward until his face almo

ep backward, as if he realize

o!" he

lood off your hands. All you fellers make mistakes. You relied on getting away unseen. You never stopped to think that the blood on your hands would bet

e was a pathetic expression

n that sofa. I woke up. It was dark. I went out.

aw the dead man and feared you would be suspected of his murder, and so tried to get away

ulted his back no

that's wha

body. The supreme test was about to be made. The wily police captain would now play his trump card. It was not witho

we'll keep you here until you do. The motive is clear. Yo

der the light, so that the rays from the electrolier fe

Robert Underwood, and you

us and overfatigued state, added to his susceptibility to quick hypnosis, he was now directly under the influence of Captain Clinton's stronger will, directing his weaker will. He was completely receptive. The past seemed all a blur on his mind. He saw the

he shouted, fixing him with a stare. To his

all right," e

is victim, and approaching his fac

ot Robert Underwood with this revolver. You did it, and you can't de

on the shining pistol, repe


r with his notebook. The detective sergeant took his place im

Robert U

erwood," repeated



e here f

here for

d to give

d to give

was a q

was a q

ew that

that p



ton smiled t


s breast, as if he were asleep. Captain Clinton yawned and lo

aken five hours to

ght daylight stream into the room. Suddenly there was a ring at the front door. Officer Delan

re, captain. I was out when I g

pointed to t


t Howard, the doctor disap

nton turned

submit to the magistrate. Have everything ready by nine o'clock. Meantime, I'll go down and see the newspaper boys. I guess there's a bunch of them down there. Of co

on Howard's wrists when Dr. Bernstein reente

ou seen your

ctor n

"Flesh all burned-must have been pretty close

gestions of that kind after a confession wh

r, did you happen to notice what s

in reflecte

e to think of it, i

the left temple. Don't worry, doctor, it's murder, all right." Pointing with a j

in a low tone. The captain frowned and looked toward h

wife dow


they just t

" said the captain. "S

telephone and Dr. Bernst

I'm not at all sure that Unde

d the captain with a sneer. Poi

ust confessed t

and serious-looking men present. Then her eyes went round the room in search of her husband. She saw him seemingly asleep in an armchair, his wrists manacled in

uiet till she's w

n the background and the capta

you were sa

me the man

ly at him. Apparently the prisoner was asleep. His eyes were clos


the presence of three

," replie

, too, didn't


rs, the captain said with

get him to own up, but we

still busy with

our 'third degree' mental torture. It is barbarous. When a man is nervous and frightened his brain gets so benumbed at the end of two or three hours' questioning on the same

ned to his serg

ies of yours may make a hit with college students and amateur professors, but t


ke him say anything, or believe anything-or do

t into a hearty

r, no newspaper can say that my precinct ain't cleaned up. My record is a hundr

overed about th

utation," he sai

flattering him, so he rubbed his ha

e themes for mine." Striding over to the armchair wh


stupidly about him. The captain

added, "Take him over to the station. Write out that confessi

m arrange his collar and tie. Officer Delaney clap

aptain. I'll mak


is side. But these stern, uniformed men intimidated her. It seemed to her that Howard was on trial-a prisoner-perhaps his life was in danger. What could he have done? Of course, he was innocent, whatever the charge was. He wouldn't harm a fly. She was sure of that. B

o him, sir? He

. "It's against the rules. Wait till we get him t

nk. Could she ha

altered. "Is the c

l!" replied the c

he not caught the back of a

to Maloney and, i

he station. We don't want

ight of his wife who, with tears streaming down her cheeks, was watching him as if in a dream. To her it seemed like some hideous nightmare f

Annie, dear. I-Underwoo

im through the door, w

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