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The Strange Cabin on Catamount Island


Word Count: 2351    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

ere the boathouse stood. The canoes, already loaded, lay moored near by, awaiting

kept it a secret, if they could. But Herb and his friends, as well

of dismal predictions were made by Herb, and those of his comrades who had been

ou to-morrow, all righ

another. "It won't be fair to sleep on the mainland, and just go over in the day.

a waste of good time, we'd have made it a month. But we've got other fish

hore, and the paddles to flash in the noonday sun's bright rays; "you'll

called out another, in a mysterious way that some

ad a few silly notions concerning certain things, and was not wholly free from a belief in supernatural happening

" remarked Steve, who, as usual, threatened to t

ow and then he'd seem to grin, and shake hands with himself, like he felt n

ddressed; "but as we know he belongs to that Ted Shafter crowd, it's easy to understand

up the wrong tree, then

stern of the big war canoe, which he and Toby were urging against

so dexterously; while Bandy-legs, fearing to trust to anything so frail, had insisted on gett

announced Stev

Toby, and Owen adde

than the other two single canoes, and who consequently was somewhat behind the rest; "but I wish you'd get a rope on

art. It never is good policy to do your best in the beginning of a race.

ad to follow suit, or be all alone in the van. Steve grumbled more or less because some fellows never could "get a move on 'em," as he com

ever once dreamed of, and which was at first utter

y new for him, though Max thought the other did very well for a greenhorn. He wriggled about in his cedar boat like an uneasy wo

up a whoop that s

hat's happenin' to

ed in scrambling about more or less, as though he had suddenly discovered a v

e of his handy spruce blade, as he turned his he

sinkin'!" continued B

ried Owen, as if unab

band! I felt it gettin' wet down by my feet, and looked just in

hy, head for the shore, and paddle hard. It ain't so far away but you can reach it

he managed to presently change the course of his boat, and start for

" yelled Steve, who at that moment chance

e what ails his boat!" answered Max, making

mp before dark, would be saying things not at all complimentary t

e beached; and then Max set to work to ascertain what could have happe

tunate they had decided at the last minute to let Bandy-legs have one o

let the water get out faster. I can see right now where the trouble lies

sadly. "I'm a Jonah, all right. All sorts of things keep happening to me. What does it look li

clamation that to

tter, as he thrust a finger through the

unny, Max?" asked Steve,

f," replied the o

ntly bent over, as th

t," commented Steve; "because that's a

clared the indignant Bandy-legs; "gue

s Bandy-legs says, he didn't run foul of any snag on the river since we left home. That hole was made by an auger, or a bit

d Steve, always quick

go off," observed Owen, in a disgusted way. "When do you supp

e way to get into the boathouse after we left last night. You remember, boys, we've got a ratchet brace there, and several bits. One of them would just abou

o keep the water out till just now?" a

g something in his hand, which he showed them. It was apparently a plug of wood, and

nderneath he made sure that it was evened off so it wouldn't be seen unless any one examined the bottom of the canoe close. Then he had it fixed so w

ame!" cried the owner

aimed Toby, just as indignant as though it had

x, to fix her up?"

Later on, when we get back, we'll have to get the boat builder in Carson

on't be any chance of my going

utes, and I'll answer for it," came the confi

t of us can rest," remarked Owe

s well take a bite, now we've got to hang out here

he Big Sunflower and the Elder," observed Steve, a

pping occasionally to snatch a bite. "It lies right around that bend yonde

nd in the grass nearby; for the boy with the short legs was of an investigating turn, and liked no

bout as long as lead pencils, and I'm seein' 'em twist and

tion to what Max was doing; "some fellers ge

er they heard Band

come in," called Steve, testily; "we're

. "It's the mother of all them little snakes, I reckon. My! but she's mad though

he rattling sound, which he had of course thought was caused by a noisy locust on a nearby tree, was in f

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