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The Song of Songs

Chapter 10 No.10

Word Count: 2907    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

dless chain of grey drops glided down the iron rods of the porch raili

atch the game! But what better

capering and stamping, and exhaling an aroma of Russia leather and Parma violets. His coat collar w

disillusioned glance, threw out a strident "good evening," and examined the back part of the ro

what she cou

g library?" he asked. The existence of such a young lad

said s

" And a thousand little merry devils da

d what boo

literature and the allied sciences, but ever since yesterday I have been possessed of a fa

right side, then on the left, the way an intending purchaser scrutinises a long-legged ho

umbers on the backs of the books were illegibl

she stood there before him, the light shining on her sidewise, with an uneasy, questioning look in her improbable eyes-those long-conceale

n that an aristocratic young man-the first who had strayed in to her in the course of

k, sir," she said, giving him a sup

, for all I care, a whole case of books-but with the proviso that I may return them to-morrow. I will immediately contract with the best express company in town to keep hauling the cas

in blank astonishmen

keep me here as a deposit. So, in a measure, I yield myself up to you for imprisonment. Ve

erself Lilly

me well. Do I look as if I read books? To be sure I have my favourites, Schlicht, Roda-Roda and Winterfeld, and others who purport to kno

ascinated by a gleaming chain peeping from under the sleeve of

an existence, and the lemonade at that is none too sweet. But what was I going to say? Oh, yes-evenings I like to play Harun-al-Rashid and strive to win the favor of the populace by honouring the populace's more commendable daughters with a little

ould like this talk to end,"

nd have nothing to do with such ticklish matters. I am merely co

soul good, and she did

rary and intended shortly to open an art shop in Berlin, and so on. But they didn't mention their address, and since-I admit it with shame-until a few moments ago I thought they had some good points, I am simply making the ro

Lilly. She gave a short laugh, but took good care

y all desire for an adventure ended, he presented

questioning lo

ated, my days in the r

whether an officer's li

es have taken wing, and my wages as army serf will just about buy radishes, and even radishes get expensive around Christmas time. So the best thing for

to his hips and emitting a thin, falsetto tehee, which, though scarc

o good friends, with the counter between

mself for a stay, examined the backs of several books, and acted altogether as if he were at home.

ilarious and restrained he

you must go," she said, "else th

ed. "The cust

ed, whereupon he

in this mundane existence-at least until the door opens again. While I'm sitting here I

next time the bell rang. He leaned back in his chair comfortably

isagreeable for him. I will be wilier. I will consider my discovery as a family secret between you and me. What a feast for the fellows! Let the

It was about time for them to be coming home

ster, who daily devoured several volumes of love

pact, shot up out of his chair. His demean

test work by-by-" Evidently no German author occurred to him. Af

posited the requisite three marks, and took leave with too sweeping

a suspicious look at Lilly's flaming ch

thing troubled Lilly, something like Christmas expectations,

men, who emitted a strident "good evening." Their manner was both a bit assured and a bit abash

the young gentlemen after selecting their trash (which they scarcely glanced at) wanted to start up a bantering conversation, she tossed

unsel with each other, said a l

iend had betray

with slim young men of fashion, who were driven by an insatiable

hhold their names, and the last page of the customers'

. One man began to make love on the spot, and another even had the audacity to bandy gross language over the c

ely with those who were courteous, refrained from replying to those who were impertinent, an

isters had discovered t

abuse. Vile epithets such as she had never heard poured over her in a dirty stream. The girls demanded that

room rained blows on the white nightgowns of the jealous furies, and drov

ome self-restraint during the day while customers were present, f

became a ve

action she felt herself growing harder and sharper. It was only at night that she melted, wh

atastrophe, did not put in appearance for about two weeks. He came

he package in his hand, "is the picotee, which keeps

ht up within her. She took the bouquet as a matter of cour

rturbably, "that I am a man u

inner for good and all, and now there was nothing more urgent for

nd is paved with little meat patties. That's kismet. No use struggling against it. Even if it finally leads to a sugar-cane plantation in Louisiana, it's all the same to me. One alw

, almost inaudible laugh, w

o know who the

ave to ask this seemed

nch bowl of all our virtues and all our sins. Withal the old man is eternally young. The old man sees you and says to you: 'Come here, little girl. I'm a grey old horror, but I wish to have you.' Then you have just enough courage left to ask 'Wh

said Lilly, whom this enigmatic alarum wa

and compassionately from between his blinking lids. "We could so cosily have enriched history with another famous pair of lovers."

ingly held

nd walked to th

ocked up by my bout," he said, a

with tickling switches. But this time, joined to the other feeling, was a certain anxiety which set her nerves a-tingle with a tormenting ye

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