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The Sins of the Father

Chapter 4 THE ARREST

Word Count: 2952    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

's fight when he was about

tration. The audacity and thoroughness with which the Klan had disarmed and made ridiculous his army of

roops without a moment's de

k his head with q

n rule of Stevens, will

why he

ave been defeated on my own soil, that my

, isn

rom office and appoint a dictator in his stead. I'll show them that I can play my part in the big drama, too. I am going to deliver th

ithout those troops-mark my

l go down flyin

tz roared. "Union troo

ferret eyes beneath their bushy brows wer

z, I don't think I could depend on

the indign

nors. They have often pretended to execute them and in reality treated us with contempt. They hold, in brief, that they fought to preserve the Un


rmy of fifty thousand loyal white me

them?" Schlitz c

the state. They'll be a tough lot, maybe, but they'll make good soldiers.


hen, s

ed as he sprang to his feet and paced the

at then!" Schlitz

and eyed his tormentor,


an will rise in a night, jump on your mob of ragamuffi

id, musingly, "if I give t

How can you

proclamation suspending t

ex-scullion had been studying law the past tw

nd the writ, arrest the leaders of the Klan without warrant, put them in

sprang forward and extended

great mind would dare such a plan. But

s drawn erect and th

nwealth-they wouldn't dare lift

ok his head

ivil law, order wholesale arrests without warrants b

g to show the smart young man who edits the paper

urer seized the

great man! I take my

his sloping shoulders, moisten

to a living soul

gger replied in low tones as he nervously fum

desperation. Every day, while these dirty ignorant recruits were being organized and drilled, he taunted the Governor over the personnel of his "Loyal" army. He began the publication of the history of its officers and m

the blue-the Governor's

had nominated and predicting its triumphant election, in spite of negroes, thieves, cut-throats, Scalawags and Carpetb

the flickering light of the street lamp he

An officer ripped off the palings from the picket fence b

e dirty troopers crowded into the editor's room, muske

ear, smiled at the mottled group of ex

s excitement

in steppe

ajor Danie

m, s

my pri

ant!" was the q

need on

when is this state

eable?" the capta

ose authority you

elf erect, his hands clenched behind his back and

ed and drew a docum

it hastily and su

nding the writ of hab

lifted his

n you ca

impossible. You can't suspend the law of gra

e ready

itor l

inly-with pleasur

s. The editor seized a number of blank writing pads, a bo

better work. Send word to my home that I'm all right and tell my wife not to worry for a min

the room and a ringing cheer s

steel in his hand and every man

, chief!" the

itor s

d. Go back to your work. Y

e awkward squad as they stumbled down the stairs after their commander, who left the buildin

use through a crowd of silent men who merely looked at the pr

arrested and thrown into jail without warrant the leaders of the white party in every county in the state. He was abs

tead his act was received with a silence that was uncanny. In vain his Carp

yes snapped with su

eaning of this silence, Schl

a lot of cowards and sneaks, these night raiders, anyhow. It

shook his hea

ike a panic to

stake you've made was

ree speech, but I simply had to do it. Damn him, I've stood his abuse as long

the next morning's Eagle and Phoenix

at writ of habeas corpus in the evolution of human freedom. The essay closed with the significant statement that no Governor in the records of the s

e fact that it was set between heavy mourning lines and at the botto

out a chief executive. Our late unlamented Governor pass

and the hand which held the paper trembled so violently he was compelled

state an armed guard was stationed at the

ment to bring the imprisoned men to trial and apparently no effort

state each day, setting them in heavy black mourning lines. Each of these editorials ended with an appeal to the patriotism of the reader. And the way in which he told the simple s

this ominous peace among his enemies increased the terror which had gripped the little Scalawag from the morning he had

ared not take the next step forward. If he could hold his ground for two weeks longer, and carry the election by the overwhelming majority he had planned, all would be well. Such a victory, placing him in power for four years and giving him a

day it poured in blinding torrents, the wind steadily rising in v

or these occasional flashes of moonlight the night was pitch dark. The Governor's company of nondescript soldiers in camp at the Capitol, dr

by a new messenger. Cleo smiled at him across the little table as she skillfull

"your wife needed me and I'm wo


baby. He's a darling. He loved me the min


er up in my arms and carry her across the room

y, studying her with a look of i

re you? You can't be-mammy wants me so"-

curiously at a smudge where it was sealed and, glancing

r helpless wife and baby. Surely there are trusted men who can do such work. You have often told me that no wise general ever risks his

e was sure that the seal of this note ha

in this note, Cleo

was the q

control. He was morally sure she was lying and yet it could only be idle curiosity or jealous inter

an eagerness that was just a little too eage

's of no importance." He picked u

est danger. I know a soldier's duty and I'll not fo

, but the soul was gone. The girl had never seen him in this mood. She was frightened. His life was in danger. She knew it now by an unerring instinct. She wou

," he said, "and tell her you fou

chanically as she picked up the tray a

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