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The She Boss

Chapter 5 A RIVAL

Word Count: 1897    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

he men's side were filled, so that he would be obliged to eat on the ladies' side again. A waiter was beckoning them to the men's s

breakfast before it occurred to him that, as she was at work at eleven the night before, he scarce could expect he

bly as the food began to warm him. Mildly

p against it and forced to sleep in a twenty-five-cent lodgin' house. Therefore we met and found out each of us had somethin' the other wanted. You're lucky, Hooker-that's all there is to it. You'd 'a' drifted about for years and n

that Tweet was not a rank faker; yet Tweet seemed to be taking it for granted that his case was won,

ng his though

iles o' money, and I'm gettin' my breakfast off o' you, ain't I? If I really was the heavy hitter I'm adver

, yet they see me float smoothly along among 'em and never strike a discord. I don't seem to mix with 'em, neither do I seem to keep al

tenin' to. I go into a flash hotel or cafe and never stumble over anything, or knock the carafe off the table, or order corned-beef hash whe

from Frisco and, if somethin' turns up, give you a start. I'm doin't this principally because I need your little roll to

an & Stroud's and get out where we c'n go to work and d

iram's lips, and he dut

e cash register and fumbled for his pocketbook. He produced a dollar and laid it on the check, then looked about for some one to receive them

n the show case,"

apped t

heard the squeak of a swivel chair. He heard the swish and caught th

so miserable that he longed to die. Yet he faced her big eyes, brown and good-natured an

o!" she sa

ame a quav

kind. The girl's slim fingers were suspending a quarter to be dropped into his palm, suggesting to H

in a light, professional tone,

y, when Tweet looke

orning," she replied. "The boss fired the cashier just before I went off watch last night. He s

ys. 'A girl can work her fingers off for you for years, then when the chance comes for something better,

cashier-you're a w

you know I can't make change? When there's an opening for better pay and easier work,' I says, 'why don't you come to us and see if

ted Tweet. "And he f

om seven to three last night, and came behind the counter here at five-thirty this

ess! Makin'

t, am I?" Her whi

you keep

I haven't been a waitress all m

t his lower lip sagging and r

out it, every time-that's the way to get a toehold. But you're

pink swep

she explained, "but I'm all out of practice. I don't have to use a ty

ticin' up

ated. Again her ski

ttle bit helps. Well, congratulati

ghed, and went int

e toothpick holder at his elbow

kid," Tweet remarked,


ked at Hiram's red f

ong with you?


"These frisky Frisco pullets goin' to your head, Hooker. A little paint and a little powder and a frowsy top

is lips tight.

him on the bac

eatin' there right along-that is, up till yesterday mornin'. She seems to be popular with the fellas. Not a bad little kid, though, I take it. Got some savvy, at any rate. Ain't content with her low

iram retorte

down the street. Tweet stop

at you don't care to

iram felt that his reply would end the matter. Swiftly his mind grasped for a judicious rejoinder

give you a chance to think. There's a man down California Street I wanta see before I leave and I'll stroll down that w

bruptly and

feet were carrying him toward the restaurant, and he was guiltily permitting them. He saw a shining drab automobile draw

refully dressed middle-aged man with a handsome face and curly brown hair. His hair and Lucy's fluffy topknot we

lted, half bl

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