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The Scotch Twins

Chapter 4 THE NEW BOY

Word Count: 2347    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

the long days to themselves. When breakfast was over the next morning and the Shepherd had gone with Tam to the hills, Jean decided to wash the clothes. Sandy Crumpet came

e washing for her. She soaped the garments well, weighted them down with stones, and then went to join

ee?" she calle

ock, his eyes shini

, flopping down beside them and

o the water when a strange voice behind them made them j

said th

ner. He had a pale face with large black eyes and dark hair partly covered with a Glengarry bonnet set rakishly ov

id the stra

rself!" res

t wasn't Angus Niel that for an instant t

re?" asked

" said

ting his rod into position. "Wh

lf into trouble! Angus Niel would be after you in no time, and if he caught

demanded the boy. "I

d just like the feel of you in his fingers, he would." Jock rubbed his ear. "It's but two days gone since he nearly pulled the lug off

r?" aske

ent," explained Jock, "and

boy. "Come on, now. Surely a body ca

. He's going to turn out all the farmers in this region and make it into a great game preserve. No

the boy. "I'm staying with

Eppie your aunt, maybe? She'll b

ke me in because I've been sick, and she thought I'd get strong up here, and I'm not going to

reathless instant while Jock, Sandy, and Jean watched the fly with him, and then, as nothing happened

a cradle," said Jean. "I could catch them with a

at Jean in

bell," he said severely, "and yo

ngus Niel," Jean answered. "I said nothing at

iration. "You can have a turn with my rod

had seen the new boy do, but somehow the fly flew off in an unexpected direction and caught in a tree, while the line wound itself in a ho

mournfully, "but maybe I'd best

said the new boy comfortingly, as he res

s to do it," adde

oy held o

nd Jock, full of confidence, did

he said. "This is

as, the fly surprised him too. It caught in Sandy's trousers

out like a monkey on the end o

he hook freed so that Sandy was able to take his turn. Jean, meanwhile, said nothing at all, for Jock looked so crestfallen that she hadn't the h

nyway?" said Sandy scornfully, when a second attempt

rept to the side of the burn,

hen Jock suddenly plunged his arms into the water and before the fish could

was now the new boy's turn to be astonished. Apparently Jock had stirred up a whole school of trout, for Sandy, fo

Alan McRae. "And if old Angus Niel comes nosing around we'll offer him a bite! He can do

ith Alan's knife, and Alan gathered dry twigs and bracken for the fire. Jean brought down some scones, which she split and spread with butter while the fish were frying. When they were done

dry, while Jock and Sandy examined Alan's wonderful book of flies and his reel

a good game, and you might go dandering along a stream all day playing with it, but if you really want fish, ju

and see if we can find another good fishing-hole. I told Eppie I'd bring her a fish to her te

the girdle over the fire, keeping the coals bright, and turning them out nicely browned on the mixing-board. She was just finishing the sixth one, when there was a great thumping at the door, and she ran

owned to mess up my clean floor! However did you go and drop yourself in the burn, Alan McRae? 'Deed and I wonder t

dy in one breath; "and the hole was deep. There w

him into the kitchen, and set him to dri

ou, Sandy, put more peat on the fire. He must have

o for clothes

when he was a boy. He can put them on till his own things are dry. Here's a towel for you," she added, tossing one to Alan.

er father's chair by the fire, and Alan, gorgeous in his plaid kiltie, was strutting back and forth giving an imitation of the bagpi

ted. "Sit down by the fire and get ou

loo would awaken the dead," they gave a howl that nearly brought down the ham from the rafters as they banged them down on the hearth-stones. Jean

uestion how he should get back to the castle. It was still cold for going barefoot, and he was not used to it besides, and his

," said Jean firmly. "What sic

d Alan, lookin

ittle sister had that. Sal, but I've had worse things the matter

t go back to the castle barefoot; so you must just be stepping yourself, and stop by

tantly and set d

ust," he said, and started

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