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The Rivet in Grandfather's Neck A Comedy of Limitations

Chapter 6 No.6

Word Count: 1168    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

The will of Jeremiah Brown, dated 29 November, 1690, recorded 2 February, 1690-1, mentions his wife Eliza Brown and appoints her his executrix.) She can't possibly care for him.

y either marriage-) And I dare sa

soft white folds and furbelows and semi-trans

bout her housekeeping, and I have read the afternoon paper all through,-even the list of undelivered letters and the woman's page,-a

flimsiest of pretexts,-why, then, one may very reasonably look for chaos to come again. This, Rudolph Musgrave decided, w

that, he lied glibly. "Good Lord, no! I am not in the lea

You are so patriarchal, Olaf," she lamented. "I felt like a lion venturing into a den of Daniels.

end of Jefferson and Henry, and, still later, the author of divers bulky tomes, pertaining for the most part to ethnology. The boy smiles at you from the canvas, smiles ambiguously,-smiles with

" said Miss Stapylton.


the faint blue vein on that lifted arm held Musgrave blood,-the same blood which at this thought quickened. For any person guided by app

ceded, "that there i

you are a dangerous flatterer. But he is only a boy, Olaf! And I had always thought of Gerald Musg

rather frivolous tendencies. Yet he was not quite thirty when he first established his reputation by his monograp

ul boy, Olaf, that young-eyed cherub, who developed into a musty old man who wrote musty old books, and lived a musty, dusty

g-ah-horrid in a life devoted to the study of anthrop

ch fun! The world held so much for him! Why, Fortune is only a woman, you know, and what wo

r a long time now, her hands clasped under

d you be so foolish? Didn't you know there was something better in the world than grubbi

he, "you are a follower of Epicurus. For my part, I must have fetched my ideals from the tub of

His books are all out-of-date now, and nobody reads them, and it is just as if he had never been. A

great work must have as its foundation the achievements of unknown men. I fancy that Cheops did not lay every brick in his pyramid with his own hand; and I dare say Nebuchadnezzar employed a few hel

pink and white penitence w

Of course, it is tremendously fine and-and nice, I dare say, if you like it,-to devote your life to learning, as you and he have

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