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The Pilot

Chapter 9 No.9

Word Count: 3947    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

re you leave yo

or thus, again


veral parts had been erected, the interior was not wanting in that appearance of comfort which forms the great characteristic of English domestic life. Its dark and intricate mazes of halls, galleries, and apartments we

ed faculties, to the possessors of which enviable qualifications we desire to say, at once, that we are determined to eschew all things supernaturally refined, as we would the devil. To all those, then, who are tired of the company of their species we would bluntly insinuate, that the sooner they throw aside our pages, and seize upon those of some more highly gifted bard, the sooner will they be in the way of quitting earth, if no

the margin of the ocean, we shall endeavor to transport the reader to the dining parlor of St. Ruth's Abbey, taking the evening of the s

al. The mouldings of the dark oak wainscoting threw back upon the massive table of mahogany streaks of strong light, which played among the rich fluids that were sparkling on the board in mimic haloes. The outline of t

r daily repast. The cloth had been drawn, and the bottle was slowly passing among them, as if those who partook of its bou

ne in which they live, whether from disinclination to sudden changes of any kind, or from the recollections of a period which, with them, has been hallowed by scenes and feelings that the chilling evening of life can neither revive nor equal. Age might possibly have thrown its blighting frosts on his thin locks, but art had labored to conceal the ravages with the nicest care. An accurate outline of powder covered not only the parts where the hair actually remained, but wherever nature had prescribed that

Howard, was the thin yellow visage of Mr. Christopher Dillon, that b

King George, whose countenance emulated the scarlet of his coat, and whose principal emp

ssion, however, through the opened door, to the rushing sounds of the ga

the master of the mansion a dialogue had been maintained which closed as follows. The colonel was

he Scotchman beheld the v

was a simpl

inued the colonel,

d by the old soldier with formal grace, he left the room.

t would not surprise me, gentleman, to hear that my native land had been engulfed by earthquakes, or swallowed by the ocean, so awful and inexcusable has been the weight of her transgressions! And yet it was a proud and daring boy who held the second station in that ship! I knew his fa

the candle, to admire the rosy hue of its contents, and then sipped of the fluid so often that nothing but a clear light remained to gaze at, quietly replaced the e

ne cannot but mourn his fate, though his death be glorious; qu

, Captain Borroughcliffe, the death of no rebel can be glorious; and how he can

ult to command the one most needed, but who still, from long discipline, had them und

have been so appalling to others to have seen t


g to being hanged; that ci

you take them to have been," said Mr. Dillon, in a harsh, drawling tone of voice. "I should doub

Captain Borroughcliffe; such as the siege of Quebec, and the battle before its gates, a trifling occasion at Ticonderoga, and that unfortunate catastrophe of General Braddock-with a few others. I must say, sir, in favor of the colonists that they played a manful game on t

se. But I am quite melancholy about this unfortunate drowning, Colonel Howard. Here will be an end of my vocat

uch trifles. If it were my kinsman Dillon, now, whose thoughts ran more on Coke upon Littleton than on the gayeties of a mess-table and a soldier's life, he might think such formalities as necessary as his hard

sed himself with the occasion. "God bless them all! say I, in echo; and if this gracious queen of ours ends as famou

llion of my countrymen. But I'll vex myself no more with the unpleasant recollecti

by the sparkling Madeira that had long lain ripening under a Carolinian sun; "these Yankees fly before

ey may be misguided, deluded, and betrayed, but the comparison is unjust. Give them arms and give them discipline, an

essing for the deed) finished two-thirds of my company, I should not have been at this day under your roof, a recruiting instead of a marching officer; neither should I have been bound up in a covenant, like the law of Moses, could Burgoyne have made head against their long-legged marchings and c

cession; "I stand too much your debtor, Captain Borroughcliffe, for so freely volunteering to defend my house ag

uor is commonly execrable; but in such a dwelling as this, a man can rock himself in the very cradle of contentment. And yet there is one subject o

use shall be as freely redressed,

f the loveliest damsels in the island pine in solitude within a hundred feet of us, without tasting the homage of our sighs. This, I will maintain, is a reproach both to your characte

d; but gradually the open brow of the veteran resumed its frank expression, and the lips of the other relaxed into a Jesuitical sort of a smile, that was tot

use of a moment, Colonel

roughcliffe's hint, for

matter-of-fact complaint,

hese piratical countrymen of ours to exclude us from their society, though prudence may require that they remain secluded in their

ows how to set hot water a hissing in so professional a manner as a woman. So forward, my dear and honored colonel, and lay your inj

s into something that was intended for a s

oman's caprice. Not a day has passed these three weeks, that I have not sent my inquiries to the door of Miss Howard as became her father's kinsman, with a wish

son," cried the soldier, throwing a glance of cool contempt at the other: "fear whitens t

lant host, "as when she appears to lean on man for support; and he who

dies of the abbey since I have been in my present quarters, and I feel a strong desire to witness beauty encircled by such lo

ression of his displeasure soon passed away in a smile of forc

ger. Nay, it is nearly two weeks since I have seen my ward myself; nor have I laid my eyes on my niece but twice in all that time, Christopher, I leave the captain under your good care while I

. Dillon in a sweeping glance, that terminated with a settled gaze on his decanter. "Make my devoirs to the recluses, and say all that you

lonel Howard left the apartment, bowing low, and uttering a thousand excuses to his guest, as he procee

en the door closed behind their host, "that your ladies deem it necessa


n this coast, I believe; nor are the ladies

let him look to't, if he trusts himself in another Whitehaven expedition, while there is a det

desperate as himself, who sail the ocean under the rebel flag, and from one or two of them we have had m

tards, or your hopes are a

announced that a sentinel had detained three men, who were passing along

otpads on the king's highway! Give them of your canteens, and let the rascals pass. Your orders were to give t

the grounds for no good, and as they kept carefully aloof from the place where our senti

hard with him for his officiousnes

guardroom in the eas

rah! liquor them well, that we he

looking fellow among them, that I think might be persuaded to enlist, if he wer

king up his ears like a hound who hears a w

ch a thing; and considering his disguise, for it can be no other, and the place where we took

justice that is to be, and should not talk lightly of the laws. But still you say reason: give me your arm, sergeant, and lead the way

of most familiar condescension. Dillon continued at the table, endeavoring to express the rancorous feelings of his breast by a satirical s

veteran colonel in his v

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