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The One Woman


Word Count: 2071    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

is Board of Trustees and began his battle for supremacy, hi

extravagantly in the days of their courtship, but she had ceased to sing of late years. He always listened to her lullaby

morning, she looked up into his f

rlour, Frank; I w

er white tapering fingers ran lightly

timidly, from beneath her long lashes,

eak, break, on thy col

d that song as you

ose with the storm and broke in round, deep peals of passion until he could hear the roar of the surf and feel its white spray in his face. Her erect lithe figur

" he cried, with

over the piano and

ails you,

to leave the children to

velopment. It is your duty to develop yourself. Self is the source of all knowl

en, not to myself. I want you all to myself, and you are gr

ears, kissed her an

to build a hostile faction within the church roused his soul to its depths. Thrown back thus upon himself and his appeal to the greater tribunal of the people, he preached as never before in his life. His sermons had the vigour and prop

s yet to find any clue that might compromise him. Once they rushed to his office with the information that they had tracked him to a questionable house. The Deacon called up his son

printed, but the young city editor sc

was placed on Gordon's desk in the study every morning, and an enormous one blossomed every Sunday morning and evening

heard it with amazement, and then, when Gordon informed a reporter of the fight in progress and it was published,

n of people drained him of every cent of money he could spare a

ded to his work. He had to close it. It had required the employment of five assistants, and even these could make l

orks had been disposed of after a fas

irty suit. He fumbled at his hat nervously u

poon, Ned, you look like

ayed a month and lost my place. I want you to loan me money to get to Baltimore, buy a decent

the bank and got

him that he was a fellow countryman fr

sed as a bride he had married in the chur

glar. He stole ten thousand dollars from an old lady who is one of our boarders, and skipped. He married me to get the run of the house. He tr

ecause h

. I know he has a dozen w

prevent you marrying him that night. I begged y

it secret, Doct

on file in the Hall of Records. Any one can

dened eyes and a fat, motherly face tim

So I scraped up the money and got here to squeeze what he owed out of that rascal. Now he's turned me out into the street and moved where I can't find him. I'm starvin' to death. I ain't got a cen

she bit her lips to

t laugh at me. I want you to loan me twenty dollars to get home quick. I'll start the minute I ca

er told a New Yorker, but something wh

ll do


eath, and cried wi

or soul, that I doubted You, a

nded her

iss you!" she f

or protest, she threw her arms

toward the door, and Ruth stood in the entrance. Her eyes blazed with wrath, but as she saw the faded and bedraggl

rted the woman to th

ty-third Street-the Garfield National. Write me how your son i

you, sir," she an

was still hysterical, and he sat dow

have been so rude,"


humiliated myself

r handkerchief, gla

wounded me by such an act, Ruth. I hope you

eceiving anonymous letters about you for the past three weeks. I was too weak and cowardly to show them to you. It was one of these letters


ly you are bright, witty, cheerful and altogether ch

o forg

a thing again. Ask me what you wish to know.

o hear it if it's c

s best, gent

im impulsive

and gave life and new faith in himself and his work; flattery that had in it a mysterious personal flavour that piqued his curiosity and fed his vanity. How clearly he recalled her-the superb figure, with rounded bust and arms full and magnificent, in the ripe glory of youth, her waving auburn hair so thick and long it could envelop

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