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The Little Red Foot


Word Count: 2871    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

for another year. The snow was gone; the Kennyetto roared amber brilliant th

est dress, very fine, I, nothing loath, did hasten to dress me in my new doe-skins, not less fine th

all innocent of queue or powder, curling crisp like a woman's. Of which I wa

elted in, shoulder-caped, cut round the neck to leave my throa

ern of little green vines, made me brave in my small mirror. And my ankle moccasins were gay with Oneida devices wrought

ently mounted and rode around to where Nick sat his saddle a-playing on his fife,

me so fine. "If you are not tru

a king's gold crown today." And I clinked the silver coins in my

le as well as hard-worked bodies need a holiday now and then.

s eat as much, nor since time began could all the lovers in history love as much as could I this April day....


ord! but she was handsome in her s

their name

and Betsy. And they live at

you have made th

and we ga

e, beating time upon h





t as sug




kes fu

y legs ar

d his gay

my brother John desires to be a

ourteen," sai

ad and stout enough. What w

of the district militia and whether the Mohawk regiment, the Palatine, and the oth

know," he said, "is that my father


ked cheerfully, "and I mean to use m

horses to

arers whom we recognized, Tory and Whig alike. Some gave us but a cold good-day and looked sideways at our fores

yoke of beautiful oxen, who drew bridle to exchange a mouthful of farm go

etended not to notice them, for I had always felt a shiver when they squeaked good-day at me, and when they doffe

r husbandry, practiced upon his fife so windily and with such enthusiasm that we three

lips and wiping his fife. "There's a schoolmaster

, some sucked thumbs and

's a good fellow, after all!

h, drew his war-hatchet, broke the lump, and passed around the fragments. And many a childish face, whi

en and the grinning slaves had gone

town. We stopped at one or two fo

the street, and little traffic. Nor did I perceive any red-coats ruffling it as of old; the Highlanders who passed wore no side-arms,-excepting the officer

ght sweets and a mouse-trap and some alley-taws for his brother John-who wished to go to war! Oh, Lord

desire to!-and I further purchased two books, "Lives of Great Philosophers," by Rudd, and a wi

e-bags, and after that we knew not w

malt-thirst, we remained standing in the street b

ects at the Hall?"

certain to prove awkward, if, indeed, it aroused in Si

along the street until we came to the Johnson Arms Tavern,

r horses and went into the Johnson Arms, ho

odd Tories who sat over chess or draughts, or wh

ferently as we ente

ick, "this is a gloriou

, "but I should be vastly obliged, sir, if you would sh

uit my fancy. Freedom, sir, in her every phase-and Liberty-the glorious jade! Ah, gentlemen, there's a sweethear

er man in a sneering voice, "why do you not

s already on her joyous way to Johnstown. It is a rendezvous

ght board, paid his reckoning, and w

It irks him to hear of fresh young jades, knowing only too well w

lled storms; but none came, so

ur pleasant city of Norfolk? Is it that which weighs upon your minds? Or is the sad plight of Tommy Gage distre

hort poem on these three Bri

n, Burgo


but budged not an inch. A pity, for it was come to a pretty pass in Johnstown when two honest f

d Nick gave the company another poem,

s and maids dr

Souchong an

ing girls, fair,

your throats and

applauded; and there was no hope o

elps at the Johnson Arms, that they stomach such jests as we cook for them? Time was w

ing, as we sat on the stoop, bridles in han

in Johnstown," he muttered, "I'd be undone, ind

ch w




weetheart the

ight you, for the p

p be warm and willing,-that is one thing. A blush and a laugh and 'tis o

ipe. "And followed. Lord, but she is handsome,-Betsy Brow


around to see what sledge was following his. Then he shouts, 'Whoa!' and out

zen mittens,-Lord, Jack, I saw a star or two, I warrant you; and a gay stream squirted from my nose upon the snow and pres

my darters, you poor dum Boston critter! I'l

scratch-wig fell off, he became more civil-quit

to the ladies-who looked excited but seemed inclined t

oing," said

rowse. But he's gon


, there in the snow of the Mayfield road! And he burly as an October bear-a man all knotted over with muscles, and two fists that slapped yo

his same Tory girl of Pigeon-Wood; and

rching for our stirrups with moccasined toes, comes a galloper in s

eet, I broke the seal and r

ough the still village now, painting every

n; I glanced at Nick; I gazed coldly upon the galloper,-

liments, and say that I am honoured by her ladyship's commands, an

urtesy, mole-skin cap in hand; and 'round he wheels and away h

o' fish," remarke

I should decline to see even Sir John, who now was virtually a prisoner of my own party, penned

ick," I said

oblesse oblige--" and then, sor

his ears. Your father wore them on his fingers. I kno

to liberty. It is not what we are born to but wha

y for you

for you to beli

h that winning upward glance tha

erhaps, I had been with Guy

oo," he murmured, "-whether ears o


" he inqui

st remain if Lady John

l you ride home by

lingering there?" I

te be empty or full, I

h other and wheeled our ho

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