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The Island Mystery

Chapter 5 No.5

Word Count: 2696    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

would not have hesitated to pay it if, by paying, he would have got what he wanted. The more he looked into the business of kingship, the less

combination of exertion and worry would still further disorder the action of his heart. He saw no prospect of quiet indolence among a people which went in for revolutions as a pastime. Salissa, on the other hand, seemed almost an ideal spot.

or might hear of the sale through the Megalian ambassador in London. But that gentleman-he was a Count, I think-was under the influence, probably in the pay of the Emperor, and had been instructed to ignore King Konrad Karl as much as possible. He heard nothing about the matter. Madame Ypsilante was in a hurry for obvious reasons. Miss Daisy

at all. There cannot be any recognized legal form for the sale of kingdoms. However, Gorman's cousin did his work excellently. The document looked well. He attached eight enormous seals to it, and he had several of the most important clauses translated into Latin. It must have been as good as it looked. Later on nearly every ambassador in Europe had a look at the "instrument"-Gorman called it an instrument sometimes, sometimes a prot

Goldsturmer, the well-known jeweller. The man, a rather unctuous, but

are a friend of his Majesty,

e necessity of keeping the sale of Salissa as secret as possible; but he could hardly avoid admitting that he knew King Konrad Karl. The affairs of the wine comp

ldsturmer, "you also k

the lady,"

the least discouraged

am at this time engaged in a business transaction of some importance with Madame Ypsilante.

"not that it's any affair of

that his Majesty has recently sold an estate situated

ase the King might

dsturmer, "if the sa

ink it likely

ite a minute he sat lookin

hall speak frankly. It would be worth my while to give one per cent. of the sum involved to any

one per cent. on, di

d amount

orman, "but unfortunately I know

t discomfort. Even politicians are not, of course, always believed, but they know how to lie in a way which makes it very difficult for any one to

pying your time with my inquiries. I thank you fo

the door. Then he tu

scandal which unfortunately is connected with the name of his Majesty, or with that of the charming lady of

one per cent. on the money which was to change hands in return for information. Gorman was a politician. It was not the first time he had been offered a commission. He hoped it would not be the last.

he fact that women were mix

e Ypsilante

ief for his feelings i

t woman's

ey actually paid. The King's evident nervousness about the Emperor impressed him unpleasantly. Gorman was not a student of foreign politics. He did not know precisely what the Emperor's position was. Megalia was nominally an independent state. Its King

rad Karl. He wanted-as everybody who knew her did-to gratify Miss Daisy Donovan. And he took a sporting interest in the sale of Salissa. There was a novelty about

o a member. As I entered the room I saw him sitting at a table near the window. I intended to join him, for Gorman is always good company. When I reached his table I saw that he already had a

s plenty of room. The wait

sight of a man at the far end of the r

n," said Gorman, "Co

a motive in pressing me as he did. But I was not going to lunch in the company of Steinwitz. I have nothing

He wanted a third person at his table. Steinwitz was asking inconvenient questions, talking about matter

He laid hold on Gorman before lunch and

see, it must have been a couple of months ago-you

" said

ic, no anything. Well-rather an odd thing happened yesterday. A man came into m

m. Owns a pretty da

tic sort of girl, I should say, by the look

he was speaking. Gorman says he felt very un

" said Gorman. "What did o

s. Said he was going for a cruise off the coast of Megalia and wante

n pay for what he wants. If half what they say about him is tr

not boggle over th

him have th

those parts now. As a matter

y of showing how very little i

e said. "Doesn't sound an attr

me interesting things to see. There's

of Salissa. He may possibly have sh

urmer told me a curious thing the other


from that picturesque blackguard King Konrad Karl. I wonder if th

d Gorman, "are invariably liars

s case the authority wasn't one that I should care to rel

ged his

ing," said Gorman, "on the truth of a

he face of it. She said that the American girl wants to set up as a monarch

said Gorman, "or Madame was pulling his.

itz. "There is a cert

or the whole thi

that it did. But he was not incli

id, "would be impossible. Th

z said. There is every excuse for him. He wanted very much to understand the Emperor's po

o do with it?" said Gorman. "Megalia

itz la

e said, "are indepen

ke, a note of arrogance, a suggestion

ed States of America. That's what he says himself.

t bought the Island of Salissa, no question is likely to arise. The Empe

lster really meant to take up arms against Home Rule. I said that the Sinn Féiners were getting stronger and stronger in Ireland, and that neither Gorman nor any member of his party would be returned at the next Genera

"are hell. In busin

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