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The Harlequin Opal, Vol. 1 (of 3)


Word Count: 4318    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

Se?or, thus the

in a count

ound him every

hing till the

ark, some hidd

fortune. Trait

-yet, keeping qu

us into fal

re to strike-fo

k, and yet we

limate. Walls of massive stone, impenetrable to heat, surrounded a patio paved with variegated tiles and brilliant with tropical flowers. From this patio doors opened into the various rooms of the house, while above were ranges of sleeping-chambers fronted by a light iron-railed balcony running roun

An old Aztec sacrificial stone carved with ugly gods occupied the centre of the court, and here and there appeared misshapen statues of the same grotesque deities. A light awning, gaily striped with red and white, made the patio shady, and beneath this were cane

the patio was accentuated by the dullness without. Indeed, the sudden emergence into the light was somewhat bewildering, as with blue sky above and flower-decorated patio below, it was some time before the eye became accustomed to the blinding b

arrival, awaited them in his patio according to the etiquette of the country. He was tall and lean and dry, with a most astonishing resemblance to Don Quixote as delineated by the pencil

said majestically, in Spanish; "my hou

as, indeed, they had just finished breakfast before leaving the yacht. Ultimately, in order not to offend their courteous host, they accepted some pulque, the national beverage of Mexico, and were s

to conceal his distaste from thei

or a glass of whisky! 'T

he milk of Paradise,"

s for the party, so they could express themselves free

it to wine," said Jack, who had finished his

ben, lo

z de

ed Philip, crossly. "Nastier stuff I never drank. Raki

made by his friends, and comforted them

however. Don Miguel will b

some of the flower-bearing jars which h

iumphantly; "he'll thin

me," said Tim, gloomily. "I'll be h

re is Don

h proved to be more acceptable than the pulque. Maraqu

asked Peter, woefull

u ought

k his head

uel tobacco i

d when this was t

ling. "I have smoked for forty years, and y

an to find his ignorance of Spanish somewhat annoying, as his friends, who acted as interpreters, played tricks

welcome him back. As it was not etiquette to ask directly for t

I trust are

At present I have but my daughter with me. Do?a Serafina

uel's eyes were fixed inquiringly on his f

Don R

with his ship

ith Don

seemed about to burst out into a furious speech; but

e said, gravely. "I am sure you

leman"-indicating Tim-"is a special correspondent, sen

, with some surprise. "How do

say as much!" interposed

e no doubt," responded Maraquando, gri

m, who swore fluently in all three la

write about; I will tell you some astonishing news shortly.

l vision could not be seen anywhere. She was a little sparkling brunette, all eyes and smiles (as Tim aft

ice, "you have returned. Ah, how sorry Dol-Do?a S

ame of Do?a Serafina; and, by that diplomatic substitutio

," said Jack, significantly, after exchanging c

lover as not to know that, in this case, the lesser Serafina included the greater Dolores. Meanwhile, neither Tim nor Philip could keep their eyes off this Spanish beauty, and

," said Philip, in

ded, coquettishly, whereat the baronet felt a

g court bows to the lady. "Great Heaven! this cann

to intimate that he thought but little of the dainty beauty. Jack knew better, however. Then Peter was torn away from

er, in perplexity, when P

usted,' Se?ora," h

r all that," pro


res ud w

f Peter's Spanish; but understanding the d

d los mano


or your kis

iss them?" asked

nly a matte

e, returned to his examination of the Aztec gods. Maraquando was already deep in conversation with Jack and Tim, so Philip had Do?a Eulalia a

irted with a lepero in default of anything better; and as Don Felipe was a most desirable young man from every point of view, she lost no time in making herself agreeable. Philip, the cynic, enjoyed it greatly, thereby proving that a considerable portion of his misogamy was h

o his charming companion, "that Chol

, demurely; "but my father is more liberal in his

ing-for th

re you, Se?or, that I would not care to be sh

of Do?a Dolo

glorious dark eyes, bit the top of her

admires f

ir. Oh, never fear,

at, Don

Philip, skilfully, "though, for

of Eulalia, and she, glancing uneasily at her father, turned

he is our duenna, you know. I am su

e?ora, on your re

," interposed the lady, smartly

on-shall we sa

ently thought the acquaintanceship was becoming too inti

it depend on

re, then, t

her thinks it likely. If ther

Tlatonac has many a

nt, but was not going to betray such knowledge at such an early period of her acquaintance. The proprieties must be observed

steamer, did

yacht, The



wn the boat she had seen steaming into the harbour. But, then,

ing her draw back in alarm at this audacious proposal, "Of course, with Don Miguel and

her father; "it is a secret. Do not speak of it now; bu

ot talk

can, Se?or,

gh it was but harmless Peter. That gentleman would much rather have been left alone to potter about the patio by himself; but Do?a Eulalia, who saw his embarrassment, wickedly made him attempt Spanish, much to his disco

in the Irishman's shoes. He would then have a better chance of Dolores. As for Tim he discoursed blandly, quite unaware of the honours being showered on him, and when his Spanish failed, took refuge in French; when that gave out, he supplied his wants with Italian, so that his conversation savoured of the Tower of Babel and the confusion of ton

en," he said, with cold malignity; "he wi

ot become President?

lacaca shall never lie at the mercy of a tyrant, as did Mexico and Paraguay. No, gentlemen. It was not for such an end that we t

," said Jack, lightly. "If he ruins the

cely. "We, Se?or, are Spaniards, and will submit to the

propose to do

Hypolito is to be arrested, brought here

o capture him at Acauhtzin. It i

imly, and waved his

os believe in him, certainly; but the whole popul

lation of Cholacaca," s

herefore, has all the power in its own hands. Acauhtzin!

it comes

al. The fleet have gone to Acauhtzin to ar

't do tha

rnine sort of manner, and pu

nk three war-ships, manned by brave men, are

ropping into Americanese, "i

o," he said, gravely. "The Government ca

e a summer,' Don Miguel.

id you hear that our navy was

ompass. "I hear this and that, Se?or, and think over things. T

het to tell that.

ill support the Junta, but th

Rafael, is in the navy, and many of the officers are his personal friends. He only consorts with men of honour, Se?or.

same, he held to his opinion. Don Rafael or no Don Rafael, the three war-ships and their crews were not to be trusted.

ou speak of, Se?or. It is as well that

a and your niece are some distance from the city, at your estancia. As there may be a war, t

not leave the city

have to see the railway works; they are near your estancia, you kno

replied Maraquando politely. "St

t, Se?or. It is settled, t

d accept the offer with a thous

ad been making notes; "and if you will but introduce me to the President, Se?or Maraq

al. His Excellency will have much pleas

lish "Philip can go with you, unless he pre

im after bu

on Miguel send him beyond the city in charge of some one, to hunt for beetles? Maraquando reflected for a moment, and thou

ing the wily butterfly, he speaks to no one. All I desir

hat Cocom goes with

able, and wanted to go at once to the yacht, in order to get his paraphernalia ashore. This ardent desire, however,

this moment, "are we to stay on bo

. We will go

a landed prop

of us. Don Miguel," he added, turning to their host, "I must now t

he disposal of yo

?or Miguel; but for the present we will s

shed them good-bye for the present. He had to go to a meeting of the Junta in or

ack, as they emerged on to the street. "Th

oesn't think so. He'll have his eyes open

g. "Ah, by the way, here he is! Well, Sir Philip Cassim

n't make a mountain out of a mole-hill, Jack. I can take care of

the doctor, dryly, "seeing I couldn'

. You must learn that. It is mo

seem t

e go to your cabin, take us to the te

ne here. You want to

with the officials. There's going to

, starting. He had not heard t

rosebuds while ye may, Philip; for, as sure as I stand here,

was a good thing I brought all those arms wit

id Peter, absently. He was th

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