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The Dispatch-Riders

Chapter 3 No.3

Word Count: 1925    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

r Ré

resuming their ride on the following day. "There's a road shown on the map which o

long as we can have a speed-burst. I'm tir

siderable distance from the left bank of the Meuse, and with the exception

unction of two forked roads, where, contrary to the usual custom, there w

lo. "Neither of the roads l

e'll climb up this bank. Perhaps we shall be able to see where we are.

ally guarded with barbed wire. About four hundred yards off was a rounded hillock. Even as the two looked they saw a huge cylindrical turret, from which projected the muzzle of a large

orts," exclaimed Kenneth. "Let's go a bit closer an

ollo. "There's too much barbed wire knoc

t evidently leads to the fort. We'll get a bit closer; bu

sult. As they turned to retrace their steps, they were confronted

marchez!" he o

ed Kenneth. "We've lost our

imed the soldier, bringing


t come w


y will be atten

oint the lads obeyed, the soldier following three pace

barbed-wire entanglements and the dip formed by the sunken road, the arre

" declared the corporal civilly, after ascertaining that the two chums we

ht?" asked Rollo anxiously. "We lef

e you into Fort Loncine, and you must be blindfolded. These are my

ood a grace as he could command, at th

e crossing the drawbridge; they totalled four hundred and eighty-five, which, allowing thirty inches for his long stri

doorways, on the fourth a fairly broad gateway through which they had been brought. Although it was impossible to see straight into the open air, a distant glimpse

rs, yet the place was by no means crowded. Beyond looking with evident cur

hed and questioned the guard

t, no; they are but youths. Bring them

" he passed through. The lads noticed that the door was of steel, and requir

ort, mon major," announced the sergeant, s

riends, this, then, is the mann

oner was none other than the officer who in Namur had advised t

you to say?" pr

We happened to catch sight of one of the guns, with disappearing m

," said the Belgian officer gravely. "How a

ridled in

our word that

e like this. Can you produce proofs? Have you

roduced th

's document. "These are only too easy to obtain. Ha! Your name i

"My father is a retired c



him. I met him at your great manoeuvres at Aldershot, to which I was sent as

é," replied Kenneth. "I want to see her, as

nstitution of Ma

you know that?" ask

ieurs, but perhaps you will do me a favour. Convey my compliments to Madame de la Barre, and say that it is advisable that she should remove her school from Visé as soon as possible

ly do, and let you


will, according to your English proverb, kill two birds with one stone. To-night, if you wish to see me, I hope to be at the Caf

of the situation,

mont shook

g will hold them back: the fear of your English fleet. You are fortunate, you English, in having the sea

n has not declare

ost the whole of her army to Belgium if the Germans attack us. Then the rest will be a question of time. We in Liége will do our utmost to keep the invaders at bay until your brave army

viction. His earnestness in the

ery. We will keep the Germans at bay for a month if need be. Meanwhile you two messieurs journey through Belgium as calmly as if you were on an English

very little to be seen, except to the practised eye of a trained man. There were mountings for quick-firing guns, and just discern

exhaust lever, had been unable to wheel the heavy mounts; and since their orders had to be obeyed, they had first resorted to the toilsome task

n you re-enter the lane, keep to the left; that will br

y machines could be moved by manual power, the lads took a running start. Both engines fired

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