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The Diamond Cross Mystery Being a Somewhat Different Detective Story

Chapter 9 INDICTED

Word Count: 1690    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

hand it to you! Certainly y

Colonel. So help m

't know that slip of mine in front of the truck was pure ac

t do that,

Spotty. You'r

evel in saving you. You've got to give

gave you a chance to get away. But I never

lp me, I never laid eyes on the old lady

get that diamond

he table between him and the New York crook. The stones glittered in the electric lights

ley, without having revealed to Grafton what new development had occurred, had made a quick tri

on, and was bent and flattened-crushed by some

efused to tell how he had come by it. He was most emphatic, however, in denying tha

ir-or the rope, according, to where I was caught-I wouldn't be getting any

id you get

't tel

there was a dangerous glint

to!" he sneered. "But for every blow you strike-for every hour you keep me awake when I'm dead for sleep-you

do my duty! I've got to break you if need be, Spotty, to get at the truth. I want to know who

dead or alive, and I never knew until just now

ve it t

now me to split on a pal

tty. I n

do it now. Go to it if you like. I'm through spielin'!

ened in the quiet room, near the police headquarter cells, need not form part of this record. Enough to say that when they

ss were not more silent than he in his miser

ed to go through, started back for Colchester, he took with him the

onel, I di

diamond cross stil

he verge of a sleepless night on his way back in the train. T

well as a day fishing for a trout, and that in

. "I think I shall have to

his Izaak Walton, he went peacefully to h

not because he felt that he was in a fair way to solve the prob

have a talk with his friend Cynthia. Ticklish business when a man goes out walking with a married woman and st

ter about the arrest of Spotty, nor did he mention that, nor the finding of the diamond cross,

to some trick between them and did the gunman get away with the cross? It wouldn't be the first time Spotty had hired out his services to a man

el shook

ighty complicated case. Talk about a diamond cross, there may be a double-c

the time, the young man be considered guilty. He could not help the young man by making these few disclosures now. The prisoner woul

the evidence against the prisoner, and

tery. Hang Spotty, anyhow! Why couldn't he keep out of this? He surely has tangled it worse than ever. I wonder if he's telling the truth when he says he didn't go near the pl

ing for he hardly knew, but he was quite surprised when he discovered, connected with the main lighting wires of th

the first time I've ever seen one hooked up to the electric light circuit. A bad thin

amination of the wires and then left the store, to be seen a little l

in extra editions, announced the indictment

is hotel from the electrician's,

s dreadful?" she exclai

s so

It is only a little shoot on the main stem. Do

was only suspected, even though formally char

n all along, is circumstantial. They have yet to prove anything

?" and her eyes were b

y, of cou

t to make that sound natural. Perhaps it was

ith the strange wires that led

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