The Day of Days
ite, trotting by the side of his host, was dwarfed alike in dignity and in physique, strongly r
te was unaware; though as soon as they were alone and private, he grew unpleasantly sensitive to a drop in the temperature of the entente cordiale which had thus far obtained between himself and the gambler. Penfield's eyes promptl
aid he; and drank as
less!" P. Sybarite returned,
isted in the wriest of grimaces. "Fact is-I don't mind telling you-your luck to-night has, I'm afra
m really distressed.... And yet," he added th
" said Penfi
barite ingenuously explained; "it could not be don
aughed dis
remature? You haven't banked that wad yet, you know. Any m
" P. Sybarite retorted with calm convi
asy pose and sitting up with a sharpened gl
?" demanded P. Sybarite, f
with a dangerous smile,
. Sybarite t
a bum loser, I'm willing to stake my last five hundred on the propositi
"If I get away with it, you pay me f
l we meet to se
. "Dine with me at the Biz
asure. Otherwise, yo
a ba
te curiously-"perhaps you won't mind explainin
you're willing to come through with a little information. I'm curious to know how
great hurry, whom I much desired to see again, and therefor
man unkno
th; rather fancies himself, I should say: a
enfield murmure
s n
't thank me for
nd how are you going to sep
r. "It desolates me to descend to rough-neck metho
e man, flushing, "P.-by th
mpers, what do you say to a fair proposition: leave me what you have won to-nigh
hook his head
to Penfield's cheeks. "Y
barite replied blandly, "up to the certain point to which we
d sighed profoundly. "I'm sorry. Yo
I advise you against an
e with me, I'll
an inflexion of derision. "I kee
maintenance of a gambling house.
e to submit without
just th
call-button, and simultaneously whipped a revolver into view. "I hope you're not armed," he protes
I take it?" enquired P. Sy
If you know your little book, you'll come thr
gretted pensively-and cast a d
, though curtained, were as indubitably locked and further protected by steel outside blinds. Besides, Penfie
ssumption of confidence in his star-there rang through the house a crash so heavy that its muffled thunder penetrat
s wavered. He punched the
aneous effect of a jack-in-the-box-Pete showe
e yelled. "Run for y
hock of the assault staggered the gambler, and as he gave ground, reeling, P. Sybarite closed one set of sinewy fingers tight round his right wrist, a
. He was turning up the stairs, three steps and an oath at a bound, by the time P. Sybar
at seven-do
clang followed the disappearance of the gambler. The iron door upstairs had closed, shutting off the second floor from the lower part of theaid-to be arrested as a common gambler, loaded to the guards w
P. Sybarite
ing beneath a shower of axe-strokes tha
e foolhardy than another. Like a shot down that dark hole he dropped-and brought up with a bang against a closed door at the
hat seemed a servant's bedroom, untenanted. The other introduced him to a kitchen of generous proportions and elaborate appointments-cool, airy, and aglow with glistening white paint and electric lig
y have been downright dismay had the sleeper been conscious. For he was in uniform; and a cap hung on t
ose creatures of Penfield's vaunted vest-pocket crew-invited in for a bite and sup by the steward of the house. The st
f his temper toward the sleeper. Better far to be in
safe and handy in his pocket; then strode in and dr
he cried; and
nd lifted a bemused, red count
ull perception of a s
P. Sybarite ordered sternly. "You
emained cloudy with sleep, drink, and norm
to yourself. This p
to his feet with a cry. "
you don't
eded no other confirmation; and yet-instant by instant it became more clearly apparent that he had drunk too deeply to be abl
e cried. "I'
u're too big a fool to take a word
e it while you slip into one of those waiter's jackets over there. Then
all the same," the m
n dollars. You'll be up to-morrow for absence from post, of course, but that's bet
started to unbutton h
of the boys r
aid! You ought to know that. This is Whitman, going over everybody's head. Anyhow, it
he other thickly, shrugging out
the wall near the door. Seizing one of
arite, the blue coat over his arm, grabbe
ile. Pull yourself together-cut some bread-do
t his money as well-cocked the cap jauntily on one side of his head (a bit too big, it fitted better that way, anyhow) buttoned up, and left the room on the run. For by this time the fr
s-misgivings assailed him. He was physically not much like any policeman he had ever seen; and the blue tunic with its brass buttons was a wretched misfit on his slight body. He doubted whether his disguise would pass unchallenged-doubted so strongl
him, he struggled vio
him roughly. "It ain't
isgust, in patent recognition of his borrowe
so?" demanded the first as
re-gimme a leg over t
the de
out that way. That's what I'm after-to stop 'em. Shut
thes men in a slightly mollified voic
e impostor, leading the way to the easter
stirrup of his clasped hands, but no sooner had P. Sybarite fitted foot to that s
doin' in them pants and
other indignantly. "Impe
tly and peevishly swore, rolled to one side (barely eluding clutches that meant to him all those fri
. Sybarite' stepped quickly to one side and, avoiding the rush of one, directly engaged the other. Ducking beneath a windmill play of arms, he shot a
gonist. Nevertheless, deftly blocking a rain of blows, he closed in as if eager to escape punishment, and planted a lifted knee in
Gazing down upon those two still shapes, so mighty and form
oud-and the next moment, spurred by alert discretion, w
ot a little daunted by its imperturbable mystery, a quick backward glance showed him fi
mbling, he lost balance and sat down with an emphasi
trange voices on the other side of the fence
y all tha
gan, or I
t the tw
d kn
thim murdherous div
ack up tha
he'd landed in a bed of nettles, tore across that terra-inco
tion attended him-a voice roari
spendthrift with sugg
e hurtled onward. Noises in the rear indicated a determined pursuit: once a voice
a Forty-sixth Street residence, his duty-to find a way to the street and a shift from