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The Corner House Girls Among the Gypsies


Word Count: 1875    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

im, Dot and Tess were driving Scalawag, the calico pony, to Penny & Marchant's stor

been appointed their guardian by the court, of course-and Tess and Dot

late likewise come under Mr. Howbridge's care, and circumstances were suc

rtainly disturbed Mr. Howbridge out of the rut of his old existence. And Ralph and R

e down the stairs from their quarters at the top of the Howbridge ho

only her hair was now grown long again and she no longer wore boy's gar

h demanded. "Why didn

ou, Rowena and Rafe,

ed eagerly to

you think? Sammy'

t o

lation of amazement an invitation to alight, and sh

has run off?" cried Ralph

boy!" criticis

Birdsall. "'Member how you an

o. But you know Sammy Pinkney's got a father and a mot

sibility why Sammy should run away. "I can't understand why he does it. He only has

up the stone steps of the Howbridge house to deliver Ruth's

nother topic. Rowena naturally was first to spy

cried Rowena Birdsall. "

plied the littlest Corner Ho

ter an examination, "it'

know that. She thinks it is a brand new belt. But of course she can'

oin them in the front yard the story of the Gypsy basket and the finding of the br

es are just waiting to grab you. Gypsies s

y do," agre

d at this suggestion, but T

m Jonah wasn't with us. Weren't we, Dot? And we slept out under a tree all night, and

the smaller girl. "And I'd much rather slee

ted, Dot," c

hoot and a howl?" demanded Dot, rather

u are acquainted with Gypsies maybe you wouldn't be scared.

cents. And we still owe Sammy Pinkney tw

e discussing that when Mr. Howbridge came out to speak to the little visitors, giving them his

Gypsies, I sympathize with the Gypsies. I have a very vivid recol

he does not at once recover it may be well to bring him here to Milton. With his au

. Because of their errand Tess and Dot could remain n

dark man, with gold hoops in his ears, was driving it. There was a brilliantly dressed young woman in

squealed Dot

ter quite as excitedly. "Th

got to give her back this fr

. "Ruth says so. Get up, Scalawag!

very much to going faster than his usual easy jog trot-unless it were to

stopped talking to the aggravating Scalawag and

s Gypsy! We've got something for you! W

maller girl. "But I do so hate

rought the Corner House girls to that corner the car was so far away that the girls

hat bracelet back if you don't do your share

nyway, I will when it's your

emed disrupted. To the amazement of Tess and Dot their sister Ruth had departed for

s in this note," cried Agnes. "That foolish Cecile! Here is the s

; will wire you

ace with laughter, and taking the two

let me see Luke until afternoon

t just lik

" snapped Agnes. "I'm sure all the brains i

st the same, I don't think that even you, Aggie, w

ecile got one of those things the matter wi

little girl. "It is Luke who is hurt. But this Neale O'Neil is very likely to d

hat do you wish done with the car? Shall I put it up

," suggested Tess slowly. "W

e? I do believe there is something in tha

agreed Neale. "Mon

said to Ruth and herself just as the elder

! she only just guessed. Of course there isn't any tr

anded Tess and me," said Dot, complacently

Aggie," broke in Neale. "

t, N

the police were after them, and the women dropped it into the basket the kids boug

uppose that is t

s the children had better not carry it away from th

ely would not tell the po

ton Morning Post. Advertise it in the 'Lost and Found' column, just as though it had be


to give it up until ownershi

ait for Ruth to come back," said the energetic Agnes

he finding of the silver bracelet, which when published

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