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The Carter Girls' Mysterious Neighbors

Chapter 4 GRANTLY

Word Count: 1068    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

r old sisters and their home, perhaps it would be just as well

they were kept clipped, which they were not. In the labyrinth the bushes met overhead and even after a heavy rain the paths between were perfectly dry. It took days of soaking rain to make those winding paths w

ound. Miss Ella claimed one of these rooms as her own especial property; Miss Louise the other. To approach Miss Ella's sanctum sanctorum it was necessary to climb a narrow spiral stai

he same room and in the same great four-posted tester bed. There were many other bedrooms in the mansion, but they b

use. "You may come up if you like. I had the steps made this way so Louise can't get up here and

hank goodness, Ella would find it a back-breaking job

d to suit their particular grouches! They really spent very little time in their

to contradict Miss Louise on some vital subject such as whether it was or was not g

arrived, and then the fat one had to go to bed and take the medicine and Miss Ella was forced to repent of her misbehavior by

s and jade ornaments; curious Japanese prints; Chinese embroidered fans and screens; bronze Buddhas; rare vases with inlaid flowers and birds; Toby ju

?" asked Mrs. Carter, who was quite carried

," laughed Miss Louise. "Ella dusts the high ones, I du

e the hi

ake th

tting in their insidious work. There never seemed to be money enough for the owners to afford the needed repairs, a

ndow panes, which were insecurely held in place with tacks; mop-boarding and floors had parted company many years before. All of these little details had escaped the inexperienced eyes of Douglas and Helen when they decided that this was the place of all others

ore the tenants should arrive, but disagreeing on which workman th

member to fill a can of water and leave it for the next pumper. The yard gate shut with difficulty and opened with more. The stovepipe

e October days. Accustomed as they had become to camp life, they made light of any inconveniences. Their father was

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