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The Carter Girls


Word Count: 3567    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

an be the matter with h

gh! He has b

as, drying her eyes as she began to realize that she was not the

Nan, who was a loyal soul and always insisted that her friends and relati

I am not prepared to say. 'Where there i

as never a time when Cousin Lizzie did not

t not have been of his

ou don't mind talking about it," begged Douglas. "Has Le

d not have gotten into this trouble. Surely Solomon was wise indeed when he said: 'Whoso keepeth the law is a wise son, but he tha

is has done anything disgraceful," insist

stitution, whether he was in fault or not. 'As a bird that wandereth from her nest, so is a man that wandereth from

st Point," said Helen in the determined voice that usually made Cousin

says he was not mixed up in it, but he, with eight other second classmen, were let out. The words are his, not

for him. What is he going

s business since they were tiny tots to protect her and look after her on all occasions. They had had a plan for the following year that now, of course, had fallen through. S

! That was unbelievable. If there ever was a gayer,


is a born soldier, and if he wants to prepare himself to defend his country, he shoul

e!" and Helen jumped up from her seat, thereby waking Lucy, who had

d Lucy, rubbing her eyes, as determined as ev

Lewis?" as the connec

red, dreary voi

e dressed in our best waiting for you to come to see us. Do

" in a little

Father is ill and has had to go away and we don't know

n a jiffy,"

isery loves company.'" But a peal from the front door bell interrupted further quota

would-be soldier, and it must have taken very hard-hearted men, very determined on maintaining discipline, deliberately to have cut this young fellow's career in two. Our army must be full of very fine young men if they can so lightly give up such a specimen as this Lew

know that you don't believe I did,

ld to kiss you even if you are a cousin

the prudent getteth knowledge.' Lewis

I did not expect

honey, so for men to search t

kiss me, anyhow. They b

uth," said Douglas gravely. "We do

his fancied injuries. I never did it, but if I had, it wouldn't have been a patching on the things the second classmen did to me last year when I was

know it!" from

what is the matter with Cousin Robert. Let's let up on me and

ven way and he has had to stop and go on a trip. Dr. Wright assures us that he has stopped in time and a sea trip and a y

I thought Dr. Davis was your family physician. Some

ly, but I believe he came ori

ger pick up your parents and send them of

n got a notary public so I could be given power of attorney to attend to any business that might come up. It

has only been living in Richmond a little while has the full power to sell

little gleam of satisfaction creeping into her eyes. She was not the only

Carter was very well off. What ha

n it. We didn't know,

travagance. 'A fool and h

fty-nine cents in the bank. Father owns this house an

ld! I can't

has such a horror of debt that he has always paid the bills each month. What do you think we could do-something to make money, I mean? Fat

to stay alone, all un-chaperoned, until this Yankee doctor thinks it is time to let your parents

rable about Father we could not think of ourselves. If we a

somewhat by dismissing one servant and giving up your car. Robert Carter is not the kind of man who would want his eighteen-year-

I saw him this afternoon and realized how worried he has been. We are going to do something and there

e on the side of the mountain in Albemarle," said Nan, and as usual every one stopped to hear what she had to say. "Besides, a boarding

in Albemarle," objected Douglas; "not a piece of a house except a log c

a wonderful view. You could see it for miles and miles and when you get up there, there is no telling what you can see. It would make a great camp-Girls! Girls! Cousin Lizzie

share your idea, or is it so big it got stuck on the w

us! I know just lots of girls who would simply die to go, and

man-of-all work! I know rafts o

W-E-A-K. What do you think of the plan, Cousin Lizzie? If you are to

must go a little more slowly," and truly the old lady did look

and do it very well," said Douglas. "I consider Helen a genius to have thought of such a thing. I don

e I can remember but once, and then I went with the United Daughters of the Confederacy on a picn

ats!" made them all lau

g way up," declared Helen, who could not contemplate anyt

was trying to keep awake long eno

up right away and build the camp. I'd just love to have something to do. Bill Tinsley, from Charlottesville, got shipped with me and I'm pretty sur

oyful anticipation of manual labor to be plunged into? If she consented to go to the mountains, thereby no doubt making herself very uncomfortable, she might save her beloved ne

nd happiness, I will consent. I can't bear to think of your bein

think you are just spl

eption. The promise of being allowed to sleep in the cabin and even eat in it was not any great inducement. A log cabin, built and lived in and finally, no doubt, died in, by a sick Englishman was not very pleasant to contemplate. Miss Lizzie was very old-fashioned in all her ideas with the exception of germs, and she was very up-to-date as to them. No modern scientist knew more about them or believed in them more implicitly. Oh, well! Sh

r," she moaned feebly. "I hate to

d a flying machine and fly to R

hat is the way it looks from the train. When can we get started? I don't thin

s next week. What would Father say at our giving up right now? You can quiturate all you'v

minations just the same because I want Father to know I can stand them." Douglas h

don't see what you mean. You have been

perfectly well ther

ep on for

ully bad about it after all his kindness," said Douglas. "That

s it to him," said Helen wrathfully. "Can't we even

out money that we shall have to consult him. He'll be home to-morrow night and we

ally, as he hates me as much as I hate him, and if he had thought of

and this child here is asleep. We had better go to bed and get

instead, they went to their beds with their heads full of their week-end boarding camp. Father was to get well on his voyage and come back t

thought Helen had. "I don't see how I could spend the summer in town after the

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