The Canadian Brothers (Volume I) or The Prophecy Fulfilled
Author: John Richardson Genre: LiteratureThe Canadian Brothers (Volume I) or The Prophecy Fulfilled
bosoms of the spectators, and even Henry Grantham-his heart throbbing painfully with emotions induced by suspense-knew not what inference to draw from the fact of his brother's protracted absence.
rother's character to feel satisfied that he was in the absent boat, and yet it was impossible to suppose that one so imbued with the spirit of generous enterprise should hare succumbed to his enemy, after a contest of so short duration, as, from the number of shots heard, this had appeared to be. That it was terminated, there could be no doubt. The cheers, which had been followed by an universal silence, had given evidence of this fact; yet why, in that case, if
ad exulted in the reflection that the first halo of victory would play around the brow of one for whom he could have made every personal sacrifice; and now, to have those fair anticipations clouded at the very moment when he was expecting their fullest accomplishment, was almost unendurable. He felt, also, that, although his resolution was thus made to stand prominently forth, the prudence of his brother woul
llow, an exulting yell from the distant masses of Indians announced an advantage that was soon made obvious to all. The small dark boat of the pursuing party was now seen issuing from behind the point, and pulling slowly towards the gun boat. In due course of a minute or two afterwards appeared the American, evidently following in the
wn the river with expanded sails. Attached to her stern, and following at quarter cable distance, was to be seen her prize, from which t
the harbour swelled the crowd assembled on the bank near the fort, to which point curiosity and a feeling of in
ed him as being of the militia, and whose rank as an officer was only distinguishable from the cockade surmounting his round hat, and an ornamented dagger thrust into a red morocco belt encircling his waist. After these came the light and elegant form of one, habited in the undress of a British naval officer, who, with one arm supported by a black si
you must admit, has nobly redeemed my pledge. On the score of his fidelity there could exist no doubt, and as for
ch led me to entrust him with the command- moreover he has an easy grace of carriage which pleased and interested me in his favor, when first I saw him. Even now, observe how cou
ould, perhaps, have proved insurmountable, had it not been for the interference of one who alone possessed the secret of restraining their lawlessness. Tecumseh had descended to the beach, eager to
alighting from the boat, the youthful captor had been seen to make the tender of his uninjured arm to the lady, who, however, had rejected it, with a movement, seemingly of indignant surpris
he bank. Respectfully touching his hat, and pointing t
o present to you the first fruits of our good fortune. We hare taken thirty soldiers of the American regular regiment, now in garrison at D
the two officers," I am sorry we do not meet exactly on the terms to which we hare so long been accustomed; but, although the fortune of war has made you rather unwill
the truth is I have neglecte
he elderly officer, completely set at his ease by the affable and at
asure in seeing you on an occasion like the present, since we must unquestionably consider you a prisoner of war; but if the young lad
n," returned the American;" but I think I may venture to a
e her veil, which had hitherto concealed features pale even to wanness," I have the strongest
d, with the unchanging coldness of her look; but the matter was a source of serious conce
ing travelled thus far into the heart of thi
resence of strangers, to whom this discussion must be uninteresting-My m
der before she decides. If the summons be not obeyed, another week will see our columns marching to the assault, and she must be prepared for all the horrors of such an extremity, aided, as I am compelled to be, (and he glanced at the groups o
repulsed whenever they may venture upon that assault, and were I as certain of perishing beneath the tomahawk and s
either cheek, lingered there a moment
ng one of my personal staff with the summons, but, on reflection, you shall be the bearer. As th
oming even paler than before, and her lips compressed in a way to
than what the surprised manner of Major Mont
while you remain with us, but fear that, as a bachelor, I
f a home until she finally departs for the opposite coast. If the attention of a family of daughters," he continued, more immediat
fer could not wel
d her head in acqui
ew her arm w
ontgomerie altogether from his niece. Either the young lady must partake of
an invitation will be excused by the circumstances? Good-I shall expect you. But there is yet another to be included among our guests. Gerald, you will not f
ould be little honored by such an addition. Although he wears the uniform of
arcely noticed militia officer; who, with his head sunk sullenly upon his chest, and an eye now and then raised stealthil
apparently, an officer," gravely remarked the General: "yet I cannot
he crowd exclaimed, as if the utterer had
suddenly up from the earth on which bit gaze had
oment imagine that you had been rash in your assertion, but from what has this instant occurred, it is evident your prisoner is known to others as well as to yourself-
d, coloring, "than the wound that was sough
prise, for, as yet, there could have been no communic
particularly to the officers of the -- Regiment, who were grouped around their Chief; "Who is it, I ask, on whom has
eye around the circle, it encountered, either by accident or design, that of Captain Molineux, on whose rath
t I crave your pardon, General-I am claiming an exemption from censure which
m's supposed neglect of duty, and to cast a doubt on his fidelity. That I was wrong I admit, but right I trust will be my reparation, and whatever momentary pain he may experience in knowing that he has been thus unjustly judged, it will I am sure be more than compensated for, when he hears that by General Brock himself his d
to be judged thus unjustly; but, as the Commodore proceeded, this feeling gradually passed away, and when the warm defence of his conduct, by the General, was alluded to, closed as the information was with a request for p
grasped that of his Lieutenant, and perceiving that the latter was about to reply; "We will defer all further explanation until a later period. But,
lity; "that is to say, he does not belong to the United States regular service, and I know nothing of
o look around,-with an eye of suspicion, as if to measure the distance that separated him from the groups of Indians in the background. The disclaimer of the Major had, howe
ess as how an officer of the Michigan Militia is just as good and as spry as any blue coat in t
he group of British officers-the Ge
your name?"
in the United States Michigan Militia," was answered with a volubil
r liberty on parole. I need not, I presume, sir, point out to you the breach o
iril, for, I take
ficer is as good as
as ever stepped
o indulge in mirth, was interrupted by the General, desiring a young aid-d
re was the signal for the breaking up of the groups; and all dispersed to their several homes, and in pursuit of their various duties. The recently arrived Indians
pproached the party, with the intention of addressing the General in regard to the prisoner Arnoldi; but finding him eng
ouraged by her apparent reserve, he had stood coldly by, but now startled into animation, he bent upon her an earnest and corresponding look; then with a wild tumult at his heart, which