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The Boy Scouts at the Panama Canal


Word Count: 1159    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

ny attention upon it, Tubby had disclosed his plan to his chums, who hailed it with shouts of delight. From his pockets the fat boy prod

lling to offer both of these to Jake as soon as he had alighted from the buggy. Close

ke!" warbled Tubby in the mos

spectingly he sniffed the air as he perceived

, "if he hadn't caused a lot of trouble for

" chortled Tubb

grunted Jake, w

remarked Merritt with a grin. But Tubby was too inte

s on the apple. All at once he appeared to make up his


ng the looped hitching rope about the pig's neck. Jake gave a squeal and w

uiet," suggested Merritt, as Jake

oster or two and a brush full of paste. Returning, amidst shouts of laughter from his fellow conspirators, he plentifully "shampooed" Jake wi

y, with all the satisfaction of a true arti

ed Jake, conveying the news to all who might see that on Saturday, April -, there would be

e one touch needed to complete the picture was filled in. From his dooryard emerged the farmer. The first thing his eyes lig

ler fever, er the jaunders, er suthin'. Come on quick! He's comin' down the

des shaking with laughter, deemed it prudent to emu

ed Jake. Even at that distance the latter's piercing cries reached their ears with sharp distinctness and adde

, fellows," he remarked, "and

to his meanness, he'll outlive Meth

high banks towered on each side of it. At length they emerged from one of these sunken lanes and found on their right an abandoned farm. Quite close to the roadside stood a big, rattletrap-l

ave a few souvenirs paste

," decided Rob. "I doubt if many people come along thi

ork this time," declared Tubby, str

you goin

road and hitch up in the shad

y cool!" excl

least it looks so,

you to do some work, t

b in labeling that pig," replied T

orite occupation, Rob and Merritt took up their brushes, paste and a roll of bills and set out for the barn. Tubby

back quite a little distance beyond a strip of grass and weeds. The boys waded through these almost knee-deep, and finally re

ng finger. Rob instantly divine

hat Merritt's lips fra

fter a minute the boys could distinguish words above the low hum o

ght be interested in

y Scouts moved closer to the m

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