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The Bee Hunters


Word Count: 3804    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

ointed for them, the Tigercat retraced his steps, and turned in the direction

thoughts. The flame of the torch he held in his right hand played capriciously over his countenance, reve

ls of the bison dispersed here and there, with a handful of maize-straw negligently thrown into a corner, and serving, no doubt, as couch for the inhabitants of this sorry refug


p in his thoughts a long serie

dreaded having been overheard. A mocking smile passed across his pale lips; he sat down

ast, a slight noise fell on his ear: he lifted his head

. "I have waited for

g hunter appeared at the threshold, where he stopped,

the forehead o

"In truth, I was not expecting you, mucha

our thoughts at this mom

in my thoughts? Am I in th

bit under particul

not in this case. Come in;

a few steps forward, "particularly as I

d replied, with rising a

eak thus? Have you

ought to remember," con

orgotten that I

! Who will

turesome," cried

that bonds of relationship do not exist in nature; that they are only a factitious sentiment, invented by human egotism for the profit of the petty exigencies o

im a look which flashed fire from under his half-closed

s cutting his teeth, and w

iercely replied the hunter, as he let the butt end of the he

came calm. His austere features lighted up with an expression of good nature which rarely visited

more I love you. I am proud of you, muchacho; for you are my handiwork, and I congratulate myself on my s

the Tigercat clearly proved that they were in r

o his father with a shrug of his shoulders, and an affectation

listen to

ng child. Speak! Tel

demon. I know your hellish maligni


tegorically the questi

, go on. What ar

follow you through all the Indian circumlocutions it may be your ple

that until I hear the q

you deceive me, I shall

peated the old

f I do not plant my bowie knif

at two can pla

; it will be a stri

r may the pestilence stifle you! I am listenin

erect in the middle of the cell, seated himself on a

o see Zopilote when I

lote: you have gue

nly deeds of yesterday and today, you two are anx

hacho, you are i

hen your apprehens

oblige me by expla

minutes ago I learned the whole story through

why do you come he

e, to ascertain if

eak more truly: yo

surprise these travel

a litter of prairie

heir horses

ruth, I di

ied into the thick of the fore

but not, as you pretend to believe, fo

intention of effacing all traces of the robbery. You care litt

ad no intention to do these travel

them? I cannot understand you

it mystifies

but will y

s. But now promise, in your tur

swer it. Ask; I

not beautiful eyes! One would think she had

heart recoiled; a sudden

k me?" said he

tter? Answer, as y

t her," he replied, with

h I can hardly believe." "Well, then, I have; and I care not who knows it," said Stoneheart, in a voice in which embarrassment wa

ming creature had no o

wer you, father: that

I know what your reply would

s head to escape the sear

momentary silence, "let us

ave you not already discovered that all this bu

started wit

g in common between this girl

n the contrary, I am

I confess I am st

this comedy I assign you a capital part to play: I make you intere

say you assigned me; I adopted it myself,

, my son?" said the

it necessary to insist

at happened; but what are your intentions towar

ss that it is not settled yet; i


at you wish me to do: I give you my wo

r so, father,-

see, I am very

foreign to your character and

that I remember I am man; that it is my duty to succour

are so utterly at variance with common usage in similar cases, that, in spite of my k

ith a smile of triumph; but he repressed it immed

ered, "my object in this case is s

divine it; on which account, I must b

re the little on

astounded at the propositi

f not you?-unless

o she is; you have forgotten what I am-I, Stoneheart, the man whose name, pronounced to an inhabitant of the borders, make

oolly shrugged

feline nature of the tiger, mingled with the no less tortuous ways of the serpent. Woman must be quelled by the bold, or she will busy herself with the hope of quelling him; she will always despise the man for whom, in her secret heart, she feels no fear, and for whom she entertains no involuntary respect. Your chances of winning the heart of Hermosa

already troubled my soul, and harrowed my heart. Let us stop this conversation, o

s entirely upon yourself;

t stay long in your hideous lair; t

t I wish,

will restore everything you have

asily invent a story for returning what bel

you!" sneere

ideous smile, "I stick to the only good deed

tween us; you will not

ce; I will n

tomorrow. I go to ma

not take that trouble;

two men

s as they died away in the distance. When silence was completely re-

ave him leisure to divine my plans, or, at the moment it is within my reac

h, the old man seized the torch

ers spoke little in their favour, the travellers had passed the night in tranquillity. No sound of evil augury had disturbed their repose; and, wo

e felt sufficient strength to resume her journey on horseback, and would be able to travel without too much fatigue. These good news dispersed the clouds which obscured the forehead of the hacendero, and he awaited, with lively impatience, the

im they were quite well, and that Do?a Herm

a creature should perish in such a miserable manner. And now, what are your intentions? Be not offended at thi

I dare not accept it: they will be uneasy on our account at the ha

. Then you int

to thank you for what you have done already, by requesting you to sell me the animals I require to return home; at the same time, I would also crave a guide, to le

f to fulfil your wishes. But how did it happen that you found you

res of the latter continued immovable. Don Pedro then recounted all

hout interrupting him, saying, as

y to be restored to you; at all events I will furnish you with the means of reaching your hacienda. Entertain no fears on that score. I presume you would not like to leave this place before you have broken your f

n astonishment, and perplexed as to his true character

ost. At the end of that time an Indian appeared, and without uttering a word

s on the summit of the teocali which the evening before, u

still partially veiled by the mists of morning, but illumined here and there by the dazzling sunbeams, which p

a mound of turf, covered over wit

nd scattered here and there about the platform, all armed, and in their war paint, were walking

ved here," said the Tigercat, "where y

itation, sat down by the mound with his daughte

a few slices of venison, and rolls made of maize flour, the whole washed down with eau de

e Tigercat; "you have a

ast you have gallantly offered us?" said Don Pe

lied the Tigercat civilly, but perem

h the answer; "Then, at least, you will conse

you, se?or; but it is i

pparent graciousness of the old man's hospitality,-for the Americans of New Spain resemble the Arabs

ooked inquiringly at his host, but could see nothing in t

e Tigercat for his profuse hospitality, asked him if, before she left, she could n

a,-absent in your service; but I

words, when a sound, resembling distant thunder, arose

u desired to see; he will be with you directly. The noise you h

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