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The Adventure Girls at Happiness House


Word Count: 2413    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

her arm and started down t

o step beside her. "Even Seniors go to classes

" Gale

ight, too," the Senior s

f a million bells always lends

lis have been good sports, Gale.

un out of it, t

ss House," the Senior declared. "But," she fr

ct a lot," Gal

h as Marcia

ing her eyes dwell on the red and golden

Freshman. Now we can't exactly put her out-it wouldn't be the nice thing to do and she won't quit of her own accord. She knows we don't like what she has been doing lately. Our sorority house is H

ded. "I

d Phyllis are the sort of girls we want in Happ

e was to attend her class. Slowly Gale strolled

giving you some good advi

rcia Marlette as the girl

rson," Marcia laughed. "Freshmen always take to Adele. They

. Inside she stood in the shadows until Marcia had turned away and was almost

se-rather a doctor. The other girls were inclined to treat such ambition with lightness. They didn't think much of women doctors, but Gale was still determined. Whether she wo

any questions. Often she lingered after classes for a further talk or experiment. On one occasion Doctor Norcot was there a

My secretary was suddenly taken ill. She is in t

t once," the

oks and made her way to the d

t seen you for

Gale a

topped on the steps outside to talk before separating. Gale was talkin

t!" she

n the stone steps at their feet. The three bent over

d in amazement. "I wonder how th

rmured, looking up at the windows to the C

e of us-the way acid burns we might have been

enthusiastically, "no on

hattered glass and up at the window. Doctor Norcot was leaning out, looking directly down at them. She disappeared and a few minutes

nd the test tubes and materials

ce at Gale, The Doctor

to the infirmary

the Freshman class was practicing hockey. So deeply in thought was she that she passed several girls from t

he acid was thrown?" Phyllis asked in consterna

ber, too, that somebody cut her canoe adrif

e new Dean," Phyllis murmured. "Do you

to find out. I have a hunch that the thre

is said gayly. "But both things mi

t cut itself and secondly, a test tube of acid doesn

one is really trying

indow. Her studies were forgotten, the open text bo

chorus of friendly voices. The Seni

n love an

es blend

r hands in

s of Ome

utting her arm about Gale and lea

? The

ree weeks now and like it more eve

et and Carol," propos

lave away over their books. We are to remain indoors." She contin

they stood for several minutes in the shadows of the building, waiting for the Seniors to disappear from view. Finally they were safely away fr

in?" Phyllis

was closed to them. Gale pointed suggestively to a trellis from which only la

School. I guess we can climb that to the second floor. It is a good thing they don't

. Out of the corner of her eye Carol saw a

glars!" sh

lis laughed. "

mbing into the room after Phyllis. "You should

Janet returned. "Am I glad to see you! I was about to

oes it," added Carol l

n, "when does the Freshman team

," Phyllis

pened. Valerie and Mad

beamed. "We will have to celeb

kies in our room," ad

ter go to your room," C

them here,"

asted very long when once the six girls set

before she ate the rest of it, "I heard that one of the

" Carol

"Because the Dean is young and good

mmune to it. Look at Gale--" Janet offered misch

hisper and the others leaned forward in interest. "I

n?" Gale asked t

d, "that her house was

were on the edge of their chai

. She called the caretaker and he ripped them down and stamped the fire out. There

Carol sco

d. She looked at Phyllis and Gale. "You tw

" she added, "you mustn't go around telling the other g

rol promised. "If we have bee

discovered and of the things she susp

ourselves solvers of the

rst," added Janet. "But where do we begin?

ind those things,"

about it. Dean Travis might not like our bothering with

our business,

n adventures for

ntures," commented Janet. "Things have b

, never fear," p

use," Phyllis said, consulting Janet's desk cl

door instead of the window t

took a deep breath of relief. They had gotten out of the dormitor

e forced to halt. Crouching in the shadows of the shrubbery they waited while two figures strolled toward t

y was meant for me. If Miss

d a narrow escape. You don

ad safely and secretly entered Happiness House by the rear door which they ha

ur hunch wa

. "Do you suppose they were talking about her secretary? If so, s

?" Phylli

ooked across at Phyllis. "Do you remember Janet saying

"Chemistry Professor, acid, poiso

hat is what I was thinking," Gale murmured. "

he candy," Phyllis agreed. She yawned. "I am afraid the puzzle w

rrounding the Dean and her reign at Briarhurst, but she didn't, and i

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