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Sidonia the Sorceress V1

Chapter 10 No.10

Word Count: 2563    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

stery of love-potions, but is hind

eaking, as formerly, only sighed. This turned his head completely, and sent the blood so quickly through his veins that he found it a hard matter to conceal his feelings any longer. For this reason he det

jerkin for the little Prince Casimir, who accompanied them. Sidonia was immediately informed of th

my dear father and family, for Daber is only a little way from Stramehl. But mind," she added, "keep thi

directly to Sidonia's little apartment, and then ran to Clara's

ed (as she afterwards confessed u

thee from the first; and from what I hear, it is certain that her Grace means to deal n

f hunger, or they will arrest me again as an

m, stupid goose, tha


sides, she had no money, and so m

dangers. I give it, mind, out of pure Christian charity; bu

er sister had

equal power for

oubt, it would make e

effect upon them? does it

e flies. Some lose their memor

d its effects upon

ill the lady

sed thee gold enough to insur

his whole body, so that he could neither sit nor lie for six weeks, and at night he had to be tied to a post with a hand-towel; but all this time his love for her grew so burning, that although he had previously hated and beaten her, yet now if she only brought him a drink of c

drink. Would the girl t

knock was heard at the chamber-door. They both grew as white as chalk; but Sidonia bethought herself of a hiding-place, and bid the other creep under the

ay your Highness, for the sake of God, to leave

as gone out to drive; and now, just look at this lute that I hav

hat use will it be to me, when I h

how willingly, but-thou

from your Highness. Now go, an

miserable, ench

will become of me? Would that I were dead-oh, I am a miserable maiden! If your Highness

y dost thou wish me to be only a simple noble?

aughter to your princely Highness? and would her

the door, and Sidonia grew paler even than the first time, for there was no place to hide the Prince in, as the witch-wench was already under the bed, and not even quite hidden, for some of her red petticoat was visible round the post, and

d Sidonia together; then the tears fell fast from her eyes, and she could utter nothing but-"Ah, my gracious Prince-my poor innocent Prince-what has brought you here?" but neither of them spoke a word. "You are lost,"

still examining her kittens, whereupon he prayed her then to descend with h

onjured her by the living God to turn away from the young Duke, and select some noble of her own rank as her husband. This could easily be done when so many loved her; but as to the Prin

rince? How can I help if he chooses to come in here and, though I weep and resist, takes me in his a

harge of my maid; but as we returned home by the little garden gate, I slipped up to my room by the private stairs without any one seeing me, and found my maid looking out of the window, but no girl was to be seen. When I asked what ha

she know of a vile witch-wench? Besides, sh

led that way under a bed unless there was something living inside of it." When the witch-girl heard this her fright increased, so that, to make matters worse, she pulled her gown

cape, because she herself had threatened her with being burned there as well as at Daber, so not knowing where to hide, and seeing the Lady Sidonia's door open, she crept in there and got

, how darest thou reckon on my protection!" and seizing her by the hand-in whi

ere, that will do," said Sidonia,-"that will do, old preacher; only be more cautious in future. What! am I to poke under my bed to

" said she, "what I said to the young lord without knowing that you were listening." So the poor girl answered weeping, "Nothing but what was good did yo

rms exactly what I told you; so now go along with you, you hu

n the subject. For when he carried books for her Highness from the ducal library, it was his custom to scrape with his feet in a peculiar manner as he passed Clara's door; then she knew who it was, and opened it. And as

l was lying hid under the bed, and asked him was it not likely that Sidonia had brought her there to teach her how to brew the love-drink,

le damsel to her room to teach her that which she knew already so perfectly. So he thought it better not to tell her Highness anything on the subject. Besides, if the wench were examined, who knows what she might tell of Sidonia and the young lord that would bring shame on the princely house of Wolgast, since she had been hid under the bed all the time, and perhap

her Grace and old Ulrich; for then much misfortune and scandal would have been spared to the whole Pomeranian land. But she followed her brid

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