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Shadow, the Mysterious Detective

Chapter 2 MAT MORRIS.

Word Count: 1678    |    Released on: 06/12/2017



een dis

boyish yet manly face of her son Mat. Earnestly she gazed at him for several second

yours. You did not

ess has fallen off so very much of late that they were compelled to reduce the

id poor Mrs. Morris, "but

nd find something to do to keep the wolf from the door. And my boss gave me a sp

s a go

r were to

in being a little reckless,

he stand by and silently witness anybody being imposed upo

opened and a girl entered; a girl whom both mo

was Hel

d been better, they had taken her from the street-found starving

ch time Helen had clung to them, doing what litt

e creature; not beautiful, but with a sweet face t

tory she k

rself could be summ

nt remembrance of a sweet, sad face before that, she had

come with the

did they

Mat loved her much better than a sister.

od by all three that some day, when Mat and Helen were old en

frame, in which, however, resided an amount of

just ei

ing-"that it never

true so

er three dollars a week, had also come ho

o that gathered about the

t again stared them in the face, and must inevitably take up quarters in the

ny mornings thereafter, but although he honestly searc

day their slender stock of money diminished, until at last they h

gone for a short while, and when she cam

wn-shop, and hid away in her dress was

rd, not long after daylight, and i

for sale. But she fought back her pride. They had been very kind to her, and she sh

d to their home, and put her morning's

inst Helen's selling pape

h make to live and pay the r

the street to sell paper

at our good mother should work," said Helen, bravely

said n

ime when she first began selling papers, that a

, and was turning away when he chanced

glance at her, paused, and then in a

ere else, my girl? You hav

, s

n I have

he only reply, for Helen d

was streaked with gray, and in clothing and manne

ur name?" h


name is Helen, is it?" recoverin

she had now for a long time used th

enly at her, and then moved aw

derful, and cannot exist as a mere accident. I must investi

ay, ascended in the elevator, and opened the doo


ney a

y with it to a liquor saloon, it being directed to

owed and forbidding-looking ind

s the rather sullen salutation he gave Brow

et in a grim tone. "Remember that I saved your neck from

ed, and became

do you

don't want much of you just now," an

, a few minutes later. "I can let y

y we

, it was evident from his expression that he had be

people as she lives with. She's a kind of an adopted daughter, an

And then he bade McGinnis sit down, and for n

into his confederate's hands, a

ely, and there'll be

his mother awaited her coming until nine o'clock, or a little after, and t

d not f

e night, nor even the next d

questioned all the boot-blacks and newsboys, but had only obtained the meager and unsatisfactory

vanished as utterly as a mist that

s told us-her impressions concerning her early childhood. And, mother, I believe there is money at the bo

s pos

ther, until I have found her. Good-bye, mother, for I am going. Heaven in m

thwart him, for she knew how much he loved Helen. But

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