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Chapter 9 No.9

Word Count: 3319    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

g-Room (provided it is very cold upstairs); and

attracted the curious attention of the boarders, but he ignored their glances, and even Klinker

ever; the usual valiant essay was defeated with more than the usual case. Queed fared back to his dining-room, as was now becoming his melancholy habit. And to-

uccessfully or pleasurably. No amount of bodily comfort could compensate Fifi for having to have it. But her mother had ruled the situation to-night with a strong hand and a flat foot. The bedroom was entirely too cold for

ered as she looked up and

ng displeasure, he had in all probabil

his manner of making his arrangements to-night wanted something of his ordinary aggressive confidence. In fact, his promise to give an hour a day to exercise lay on h

seemed to go wrong from the beginning. She had waked up feeling very listless and tired; had been late for school; had been kept in for Cicero. In the afternoon she had been going to a tea given to her class at the school, but her mother said her cold was too bad for her to go, and besides she really felt too tired. She hadn't e

ated a calm young vo

mortified, Fifi thought that the best way t

r?" demanded the p

ologetically-"just silly reasons. I-I've spent an hour and ten minutes

silence. Mr. Queed

t solve yo

ely, "but of course I will soon.

further. Nevertheless she felt his large spectacles upon her. And presently he astonished her by saying,

ook. I will solv

n a cough. And then, "Do you

both lower, like Fifi's, and also far higher. The child's polite demurs were firmly overrid

problem," sa

llection of stickers known as Misce

if he had built 2 rods less a day he would have been 6 days l

once and announced: "He

hy-how in the w

t. Proceed. Read me what

of rods he built each


umed. And 105 divided by x - 2 equals number of d


ber of days consumed if it h

g of th

"I don't see

ix days longer,' it me

nger th

must state it in t

i, her red-brown head bowed over the be

can mean; that is longer than the original rate of progress. Yet y

don't quite see. I'm dr

er of days necessary under the old rate of progress; the other is the number o

at just what

't know. This is somethin


s, Queed said: "It tells yo

usly looking high and low, not onl

on the inductive method:

difference in the number

ater the rate of progress, the fewer the number of days

figured s

2)) - (1

x + 210 =

12x -

12x -

2x -

) (X +


! Just what you said! Oh, if I could only do them like you! I'm e

ifi's smile; he obv

said slowly, "it isn't necessary for you to sit there all

n't be here, you see. I didn't mean to come to-night-trul

her made

d Fifi, gathering up her books, "and she thoug

delicate face. A frown deepened on his b

, "for you to bring your work here

d Fifi, staggered by his nobility. "But

nterrupted her, irritably, "if I ha

for the source of our livelihood; and, stammering grateful thanks, she again assured him that she c

aying, "And now, for heaven's sake-good-night!" But Fifi, her heart much softe

t me get something to put on your f

's of no conseq

ow bad it is. Please let me, Mr. Queed. J

very well as it

mething on it would make it get wel

d be bothering him about it. It was a world where a man couldn't e

n that its healing

i happily, and vanish

n to Bodily Exercise....

ith white cloths, scisso

irly well and doesn't hurt at all worth mentioning. That's witch-hazel. The other heals

said Mr. Queed i

ling, and bound it firmly to the young man's head with a snowy band. In all of Mr. Queed's life, this was the first time that a woman had ministered

ly. The effect of the white cloth riding aslant over the round glass

the sting m

," said t

e climax will be pretty bad-I'm so sorry! But when it's at its worst just say to yo

rections," said he, s

me do it, and for the a


about it than there was about a live red coal. The mordant tooth bit into his blood; he rose and tramped the floor, muttering savagely to himself. B

ter, found him tramping and muttering. His flying look dared Bylash to address him, and Bylash prudently took the dare. Bu

why? Obviously because the Doctor cursed ex

d that it would. On the contrary it burned like the fiery furnace of Shadrach and Abednego. But One Hour a Day to be gi

alled this conflagration a sting!-was beginning to get endurable and the pencil to move steadily, the door opened and in strode Professor Nicolovi

make the obvious reparation. He drew a match along the bottom of the mantle-shelf,

th an accident, Mr. Queed. Is there

ueed, so indignantly that Nicolo

ht have been seventy, and his clothes had long been the secret envy of

t place to sit of an evening, I

mpromisingly stern. "I might as well try

t catching his drift. "I

ns," said Queed,

that. The gross communism of a boarding-house ... it does gall one at t

had been favored with a fair amount of his stately conversation. He shut the door now somewhat p

h kept accurate tally-there came Trainer Klinker, who, having sought his pupil vainly in the Scriptorium, retraced his steps to rout him out below. At sight of the tall bottle in Klinker's hand Queed shrank, fearing that Fifi had sent him with a sec

embraced his heart's desire. He looked into the heart of Science and she gave freely to her lord and master. Sprawled there over the Turkey-red cloth, which was not unhaunted by the ghosts of dead dinners, he became chastely and divinely happy. His mind floated away into the empyrean; he saw visio

of two o'clock, and the dining-room was cold with the dying down of the

s six and one-half hours nightly. This meant bed at 1.30 exactly, and he hardly varied it five minutes in a year. To his marrow he was systematic; he was as definite as an adding-machine

question ever came up at all, the iron-clad Schedule of Hours



0 D

ionary S


0 Evolution

clean hour out of it, and now his Body had unexpectedly risen and claimed yet another hour. And, beyond even this ... some devilish whi

understand that his time belonged to the ages and the race, not to the momentary perplexities of a high school dunce.... At the

there was no help for that. For thirty days henceforward at the least-and a voice wi



0 D

ionary S

5 Open-Air

6.15 T

r's Exercises for a



ubtless Mr. Pat, who was at that moment peacefully pulling a pipe over his last galleys at the Post office, would

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