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A Winter Amid the Ice

Chapter 3 A Ray of Hope

Word Count: 1091    |    Released on: 17/11/2017

favourable, and the crew might hope prom

ys; then, if he was convinced that they had not been received in any of the ports of that locality, he would continue his search beyond the Northe

that, at the time of the catastrophe, the gale came from the west; which, while it gave hope that the unfortunates had not bee

d be followed as closely as possible, so as to

map, was absorbed in reflection, when a small hand to

d courage

as stupefied. Ma

ughter, on bo

h of her husband, when the fat

ur fatigues! Dost thou know that thy pr

e, for I

. We are approaching places dangerous even for us sailors, hardened

. I am used to stories of combats and tempes

s he who conceal

he saw that I was determine

an!" cr

lan e

ave done, Penellan; but remember that

nd courage, and will be our guardian angel. And then, captain, you

ich the sailors soon got ready for her, and

me upon these coasts. Even the news of the event was quite unknown. The brig resumed its voyage, after a stay of ten days, about the 10th of Ju

ould there learn the name of the shipwrecked schooner to su

e the brig cast an

utte a bottle found on the coast, which

osted by the long-boat of the 'Jeune–Hardie,' we were dra

lf on his son's track. The "Fro?ern" was a Norwegian sloop of which

e perils of the polar seas. Fidèle Misonne, the carpenter, carefully examined her, an

and charcoal were added; for it might be that they would have to winter at some point on the Greenland coast. They also procured, with much difficulty and at a high price, a quantity of lemons, for preventing or curing the scurvy, that terrible disease which decimates crews in the

fields, as well as picks and wedges for separating them. The captain dete

, and Gradlin zealously obeyed Penellan's orders; and he admonished them not to accustom themselves to wool

one knew whither, but was at least a good sailor, having made two voyages on board the "Jeune–Hardie". Penellan would not

on for attempting explorations in the Arctic Seas. The thaw had been going on for two months, and the search might be carried farther north. The "Je

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