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Patty's Friends


Word Count: 2337    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

eautiful, it made Patty look like her own older sister. A jewelled ornament of Lady Hamilton's crowned the coiffure, and this gave an added effect of dignity. The

the sleeves, which were merely frills of lace, were very becoming; and the long train, which billowed into a frou-frou of chiffon ruffles took away the last semblance of a girl of eighteen. Notw

sedately through the open doo

t gown! You look as if you'd been 'out' for two or three seasons. You

n's long white gloves. "The wonder is that you had plenty of all sorts of things to fit me out, and also t

said Lady Hamilton, laughing. "Mar

It is amazing how the gown

g aside her train with just the same gesture Lady Hamilton was wont to use, and she carried herself wi

ned it and

ton. "Come down off that pedestal! You walk l

f chameleon. This gown makes me feel as if I belonged

l go down to dinner. Mind, now, none of thos

nd staircase she came face to face with a radiant creature, and was about to step aside when she discovered it was herself! Involuntarily she gazed at the reflection

waited them in

caused her some delay. After the first few introductions, Lady Hamilton and

me very entertaining people, amo

me man, tall, and of

ough quite deferential admiration. "So pleased to meet

one before, and was about to make a shy response, when a slight mov

ef suddenly took possession of her, and she determined to throw herself into the

I adore Englishmen, too, b

been here

s. And there's so mu

rdship, eagerly. "I do not thin

d. "No Americans a

it. I've met six, I think, including yourself

earn to say 'only fancy' occasionally, and '

ly, "but I think I can teach you in, say, abou

merican nature at all," she said, "you'd know that we

s no time lik

sation was interrupted by

r at the right of his hostess, while Patty, as a minor guest, was far away across the table. But she found herse

This made a soft, mellow radiance quite different from gas or electricity. On one side of the room long French windows opened on to the terrace, through which came the scent of roses and the sound of plashing fou

ite china, while on the delicate lace of the tablecloth lay rare blossoms that seemed

d wicker, and as the silent, black-garbed waiters served t

brought back to a sense of reality by the sound of a voice at her side. Mr. Merivale was s

il," he was saying as he

denly realised that the expression was not at all

seemed amused rat

"But whatever the adjective, the fact is the same. Lady Her

eply. She began to think that playing grown-up was a more difficult game than she had supposed.

Herenden had a real pond, with gold fish in the middle

aid Patty. "I have never been

n American, but you have

twinkle in her eye. "I find my American manner i

wish to b

ghty Patty, with a roguish gl

ish," he replied. "I'm joll

cheeks, and she turned slightly awa

ing estate. He was quite ready to talk to his American neighbour, and began t

nly arrived a few hours ago, and I'

lease. I'll come over to-morro

s uncertain what she ought to do in the matter. "You

from her side for an hour or t

man would never have dreamed of asking her to go for a walk unchaperoned. Patty had learned the ethi

ght of Mr. Snowden's surprise should he see her next day in one of her own simple morning frocks of ligh

said Mr. Snowden, a trifl

oo," she said, "if y

sant face seemed to invite confi

n a schoolgirl-not quite eighteen years old. But-but my box didn't come, and-and I had to wear Lady

rst amazed, and then

ady Hamilton is your chaperon? I see. Of course. Well, we'll have th

g at Lady Kitty across the table, and feeling much mor

and charming woman,"

Mr. Merivale, for she had learned that one must

le, eagerly. "You turned so quickly-and-and you

r years to everybody, and her mischievous spirit retu

proachfully, "an Eng

lady's displeasure. All true

dimpling and smiling; "in fact,

rt fresh. Will you save a lo

ng?" exclaimed Patty, de

g ballroom. Will you gi

id you were going to 'start fresh,'" she

t on the Englishman, who only p

wden was asking P

d, "I shall be pleas

dance or you needn't give me

en, I've just had a dance 'returned with tha

husiastically, and Mr. Merival

llowed her up to one of the beautiful salons, where coffee was served

er friend, in a low voice. "You are already a favouri

rnestly, "but truly everybody thinks I'm a societ

fun you can. Enjoy the dancing, an

eased to think about her demeanour and proceede

er, and singled out the young American

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