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Our Own Set

Chapter 7 No.7

Word Count: 2314    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

puddles, a pond full to the brim in which three forlorn-looking geese are sadly paddling, a swampy road along which a procession of ploughs are splashing their way at the heels of the muddy

of women are in the very act of turning with pitch-forks, under the superintendence of a short stout man in a weather-beaten hunting-hat and shooting-coat with padded silk sleeves out of which the wadding is peeping at a hundred holes. He i

ers, got himself a good deal talked about in 1848 and th

se in those agitated times it could not tell black from white. In those days he had displayed himself in a magnificent national costume with sleeves of the most elaborate cut, had married a patriotic wife who always dressed in the Slav colors: blue, white, and red, and who got two young men, also dressed in Slav costume, to mount guard at the door of her house. He was descended from a Polish family that had immigrated many generations since an

homage as a political refugee, and horrifying the mistress by his enormous appetite. At length he returned to Bohemia where the events of forty-eight and its picturesquely aparelled leaders ha

grew more vulgar, fatter, and hungrier every day; and if he ever had an idea it w

f the Regent Orleans in as much as she had a sound understanding combined with a very sentimental nature,

l had been christened Bohuslawa, a name which was commonly shortened into Slawa, which in the more important dialects of the Slav tongue means Fame. She, like her mother, was of stalwart build, but her features were regular though statuesque and heavy--she was said to be like the Apollo Belvedere. She had already had four suitors but neit

ome variety into the programme, jumps on to its roof, from which advantageous standpoint he still barks without pause. Everything is dripping from the recently-thawed s

heard approaching, and a dun

him, wrapped in an evil-smelling sheepskin and with the ears of his fur cap ti

white handkerchief out of a pocket in his sheepskin. The baron looks at the documents. "Another letter from R

ooked squarer than ever, without a cap, her thin grey hair cut short, was hunting for the tenth time to-day, on and under every article of furniture, for the key of the storeroom. Bohuslawa, meanwhile sat still, with a volume of Mickiewicz in her hand, out of which she was reading aloud in rather stumbling Polish, with a harsh voice. A young man with a sharp-cut sallow face and long black hair,

mysterious law-suit that the young Pole was carrying on against the Russian government. His name was Vladimir de M

he baron, casting a doubtful eye on the

baroness coolly. She was at the moment on all-fours

making the smallest attempt to assist the old lady. But at this instant a housemaid

ed the baroness, "where

race, my lady baroness, the

lways had a litter of half a dozen puppies to bring up, and the kennel was a we

miring laugh at the ingenious perversity of her

roduced the document, with its mixed odors of patchouli and damp sheepskin, and

re, oh where are my spectacles?" And she felt and patted hers

n them--now then, children," and s

moil in which we live. A dinner-party every day, two evening parties and a ball. We are spending the carnival with the crême de la crême of Roman society. To-morrow we dine with Princess Vulpini--she was a Truyn and is

t the old goose was quite such a simpleton!" he exclaimed, dru

ows it!" cried the baroness--"and

erved the baron ironically; "go and set

wife, taking his irony quite seriously,

t ended with the words; "What a pity it is that you should not be h

f cups and spoons, the baron retired to play Bulka with his neighbors i

ept the crumbs off her lap on to the floor, "and it would be pleasant, too, to

void all society if we were t

pest respect, "I could stay at home; you see, my dear Vladimir," she added almost condescendingly to her s

ughter beside herself

he room but the crackling of the fire in the huge tiled stove and the snoring

murmured the baroness presently, resu

edere. Whenever the Wolnitzkys were in any financial straits the Bernini was packed off to some dealer in objects of vertu, from which excursions it invariably

ve not seen it yet," said Sla

like you?--that will interest me greatly," said

the bust is in

ed room which was never dusted more than once a month. There, on a marble plinth in a cor

y, and gazing alternately at the bust and at Slawa. "Oh, it

uch like to go to Rome," sighed the b

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