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Mystery Wings


Word Count: 1162    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

fine publicity he had given the game. More than this he always had enjoyed a half hour in the

slouching figure of a man, with masses of gray hair and bushy eyebrows, slumped d

f queer, though. Rather unusual about that pitcher! And

ped into a chair. "Tough about that pi

"Wasn't that a grand cro

deserved it. Fine lot of boys. Be a bigger crowd than ever ne

e wi

and balls, a


ttles too?" C

t forty eyes, that umpire has." Johnny laughed

ube. When a beam of light is sent to it from across a space it stays just so until the light is shut off by some object, sa

" C.K. drawled. "Sure

k in a tone little more than a whisper. "Heard

" Johnny stared.

or a Chinaman, a little fello

of Tao Sing in the small room at the back of

all," said C.K. "Th

man? Who's afraid of a Chinaman?" This

p straight quite suddenly. "Plenty of pe

d tom cat. But let a dog come around the corner and see what the cat doe

ints and opium dens. Say! I can hear the steel door bang yet when the first Chink gave the warning. Bang! Bang! Bang! And sometimes it wasn't a door that banged either."

s feet a trifle unsteadily.



ht tell what he knew about Tao Sing. H

nk make front page stuff! First column in every city!" He could see it no

at once. On sober thought, however, he de

Chinese Chamber of Commerce, of the pictures he had taken of Wung Lu's thoughts and how he had delivered them to Tao Sing. The thought was disturbing. "Ought not to have been snooping round gat

"Find out all sorts of queer things for C.K.

t right away. He recalled what C.K. had said of things that had


he'd think. H

I heard you found out about that airplane

at a pilot from over at the f


pilot said they we

bout half a dozen stop at the hotel. Rest live in houses. I'll get 'em. Give me time."

said with a grin. "Not in a small city,

, Johnny." Gog

n interesting boy. He dug into everything just as a gopher digs into the

cities everyone tries to be just like everyone else. People think alike, wa

se, he found himself all but overcome with a desire to hide the thought-camera in some very dark and secret spot. In

"Wonder if they'll find him. And if they do,

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