lara. At first she refused to believe that they were married, as Charles was notoriously careless in these matters, but when she was faced with the fact her wa
d woman and you want a
that with a stupid woman Charles would just rot aw
If you are meant for the theatre nothing can keep you away from
e?' asked Clara, a
iss Wainwright, '
, and exposed for sale. They reserved nothing. Such as they were, they were for the theatre and for no other purpose, but to be moved at a moment's notice from theatre to
s, of vivid light and shadowy darkness, of painted illusion and the throbbing reality of the audience, of idle days and feverish nights. His mind was soaked in it, and his soul, all except that o
d that no one should ever think of her as 'poor Clara.' ... Life had been so easy when they had drifted together from st
n this production, as a protégée of Miss Wainwright's, Clara played a small part in which she had ten words to say.... She was quite inaudible though sh
elf speak any more than you do when you are talking in a room. It's just a question of losing yours
ng her face, and pencilling her eyes, and dabbing red paint into the corners of them. So much did she detest this at first tha
shall never be an actress....' B
alse projection of Clara Day which was needed for the play.... Her objection was moral, and so strong that it made her really ill, and it was with the greatest difficulty that she could keep going at all, but not a word did she
at they had nearly all accepted without a struggle, and had surrendered to the false projection of themselves which the
he lime-light man, and the stage-carpenter had done their work. Often at rehearsal, words would give her the shock of truth that in performance would just puzzle her by their banality; voic
hich are shown to the Anglo-American public. For them there were but Romeo and Juliet at the ball with no contending houses to plague them. They lived in furnished flats and paid their way, impervious to every conspiracy of life to br
rom the very dressing-room staff of the theatre, who could make their lives uncomfortable. She understood then what it was that had driven Charles out, and made him so reluctant to return, and why his immense talent, which should have been expressed in terms of the thea
ume of Meredith, or Bernard Shaw, Schopenhauer or Browning, who had been the poet of her first discovery of the world of books. That frightened off the young men, who were at first greatly taken with he
inflate his egoism. He never spoke to her for some weeks, and she avoided meeting him, did not wish to speak to him, felt, indeed, that she was perhaps using him a little unfairly in tu
women chattered scandal; some read their letters, others the telegrams by which their correspondence was conducted. In none was the slightest indication of preparedness for work, for the thoughts of all were obviously miles away from the theatre.... Stagehands moved noisily about. They, at least, were conscio
notebook, and a stout, thick-set Jew, who waited obsequiously for the great actor to take further notice of him. Sir Henr
rning, S
d, 'Oui, oui,' and the Jew said, 'Oui, oui,' while Clara, who could speak French as fluently as English, understood n
irly to their satisfaction. They went away, and Sir Henry began
these ladies and gentlemen are no
can feel it in the air. I can always feel it. I felt that Ivanhoe was no good, but I was over
hate the thing. Take it away. How can a man rehearse to a fire-proof curtain? Take i
r shouted to a m
it down,' c
did t
button. The heavy fire-proof curtain slowly rose to reveal the autho
lady?' aske
widow,' replie
nd chatted to her for a few moments about her late husband, who had been something of a figure
r The School for Scandal. The company gathered round and admired, while Sir Henr
sed to be able to obtain with gas.... Give me gas. The theatre has never
n condition that an article by Sir Henry on British Audiences was printed, and for t
proscenium turning over the pages of her book, watching Sir Henry's antics, appreciating the skill with which, i
sighed heavily. Clara was for stealing away, when he strode across
little girl
she. 'And I'm not a little
books, aren't you? I've heard of you. I've written a book or two, but I never read them. I have quite a lot
ted for a little to be at his ease. He took Clara by the arm, and, regardless of the staring eyes of those whom they met in the corridors, swept her along to the room which Charles had likened to an aquarium. Then he
t is the only place I have in
y quiet,'
ch to be brought up, vol-au-vents, co
stand food,' he said. 'That com
protested Clara, 'my grandfather kn
old men, eh? Boys don
lked brought all these performers vividly before Clara's eyes so that she must accept the validity of his criticism: he knew, or seemed to know, exactly what each could do or could not do, though it was difficult to understand how he could ever have found time to see them all. Whether or not he had done so, he had exactly weighed up the value of their theatrical personalities, and it was in those and those alone that he was interested. As human beings, he was indifferent to them, though he spoke of them all with the exaggerated affection common to the theatre-'dear old Arthur' ...
rge chair, and closed his eyes in the ecstatic distention of his surfeit. A
ann-is he
e,' repli
does he ta
ks very
xpect me to
th the public.... I've tried it at intervals; giving up acting, I mean.
was only an echo. It was a very curious thing that words in this room lost half their meaning,
me. That is rare. After all, we actors are human. We are go
servation. Then with a sigh he leaned over and held Clara
y you could outs
m. 'Opera!' he said. 'I feel opera in the air; music invading the theatr
though she knew in her heart that
is deepest bass, 'if I tell you that Ch
going to do
I would not have him near the theatr
was all on fire. 'It is an honour for
nry la
id. 'We knew his father. We
allowed her up, as though the London about which she had been hovering in delig
eat genius, and it is your duty to let the public see his work. It is shameful that all his life people have talked abo
'Would you like to play Miranda? A per
been sponged out. Never before had she even suspected that her freedom could be extinguished; never before had she even been anywhere near feeling that her will might break and leave her at the mercy of circumstances. She clutched desperately at her loyalty to Charles, and she summoned up all her will only to find th