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Modern Painters Volume I (of V)


Word Count: 9294    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

most wonderful. If we think of it as the source of all the changefulness § 1. Sketch of the functions and infinite a

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1 Chapter 1 -Definition of Greatness in Art.2 Chapter 2 -General Principles respecting Ideas of Power.3 Chapter 3 -Of Ideas of Power, as they are dependent upon Execution.4 Chapter 4 -Of Ideas of Truth in their connection with those of Beauty and Relation.5 Chapter 5 -That the Truth of Nature is not to be discerned by the Uneducated Senses.6 Chapter 6 -Of the Relative Importance of Truths -First, that Particular Truths are more important than General Ones.7 Chapter 7 -Of the Relative Importance of Truths -Secondly, that Rare Truths are more important than Frequent Ones.8 Chapter 8 -Of the Relative Importance of Truths -Thirdly, that Truths of Color are the least important of all Truths.9 Chapter 9 -Recapitulation.10 Chapter 10 -Of Truth of Tone.11 Chapter 11 -Of Truth of Color.12 Chapter 12 -Of Truth of Chiaroscuro.13 Chapter 13 -Of Truth of Space -First, as Dependent on the Focus of the Eye.14 Chapter 14 -Of the Open Sky.15 Chapter 15 -Of Truth of Clouds -First, of the Region of the Cirrus.16 Chapter 16 -Of Truth of Clouds -Secondly, of the Central Cloud Region.17 Chapter 17 -Of Truth of Clouds -Thirdly, of the Region of the Rain-Cloud.18 Chapter 18 -Of General Structure.19 Chapter 19 -Of the Central Mountains.20 Chapter 20 -Of the Inferior Mountains.21 Chapter 21 -Of Water, as Painted by the Ancients.22 Chapter 22 -Of Water, as Painted by the Moderns.23 Chapter 23 -Of Truth of Vegetation.24 Chapter 24 -General remarks respecting the Truth of Turner.25 Chapter 25 INTRODUCTORY.26 Chapter 26 DEFINITION OF GREATNESS IN ART.27 Chapter 27 OF IDEAS OF POWER.28 Chapter 28 OF IDEAS OF IMITATION.29 Chapter 29 OF IDEAS OF TRUTH.30 Chapter 30 OF IDEAS OF BEAUTY.31 Chapter 31 GENERAL PRINCIPLES RESPECTING IDEAS OF POWER.32 Chapter 32 OF IDEAS OF POWER, AS THEY ARE DEPENDENT UPON EXECUTION.33 Chapter 33 OF IDEAS OF TRUTH IN THEIR CONNECTION WITH THOSE OF34 Chapter 34 THAT THE TRUTH OF NATURE IS NOT TO BE DISCERNED BY35 Chapter 35 OF THE RELATIVE IMPORTANCE OF TRUTHS -FIRST, THAT36 Chapter 36 OF THE RELATIVE IMPORTANCE OF TRUTHS -SECONDLY, THAT37 Chapter 37 OF THE RELATIVE IMPORTANCE OF TRUTHS -THIRDLY, THAT38 Chapter 38 RECAPITULATION.39 Chapter 39 OF TRUTH OF TONE.40 Chapter 40 OF TRUTH OF COLOR.41 Chapter 41 OF TRUTH OF CHIAROSCURO.42 Chapter 42 OF TRUTH OF SPACE -FIRST AS DEPENDENT ON THE FOCUS43 Chapter 43 OF THE OPEN SKY.44 Chapter 44 OF TRUTH OF CLOUDS -FIRST, OF THE REGION OF THE CIRRUS.45 Chapter 45 OF TRUTH OF CLOUDS -SECONDLY, OF THE CENTRAL CLOUD46 Chapter 46 OF TRUTH OF CLOUDS THIRDLY, OF THE REGION OF THE47 Chapter 47 OF GENERAL STRUCTURE.48 Chapter 48 OF THE CENTRAL MOUNTAINS.49 Chapter 49 OF THE INFERIOR MOUNTAINS.50 Chapter 50 OF WATER, AS PAINTED BY THE ANCIENTS.51 Chapter 51 OF WATER, AS PAINTED BY THE MODERNS.52 Chapter 52 OF TRUTH OF VEGETATION.53 Chapter 53 GENERAL REMARKS RESPECTING THE TRUTH OF TURNER.54 Chapter 54 CONCLUSION.-MODERN ART AND MODERN CRITICISM.