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Master Skylark


Word Count: 537    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

out their towels and hanging them upon the market-cross to dry. Along the stalls in Middle Row the grumbling shopmen were

e causeway at the bridge, which had been badly washed by the late spring floods

ut cudgel-men leaned upon their long staves, although the market was two days closed,

ing up the market litter in the square. Nick wondered if

-est goi

use, watching Tom Carpenter the carver cut fleur-de-lis and curling traceries upon the f

y," said Ni

a fellow

might be bett


to his feet and

l to-day?

ck, shortly, for he did n

," drawled Roger; "Muster Pine o' Welford saith that I ha' learned as much as faither ever knowed,

ead nor write, while he could do both and had some Lati

g through the jeering crowd about the pillory and pos

ing, Nick?' Aske

or and by the tap-room of the Crown; and in the middle of the street a crowd of salters, butchers, and dealers in h

away into Back Bridge street as fast as he could, feeli

prentice at his side, looking out suddenly

Nick be-eth in school by now--the clock ha' struck.

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