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Lady Mary and her Nurse


Word Count: 1694    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

to hear it," and the Governor's little daughter fixed her bright eyes, teaming with intelligen

what it is to

guess right. Is it 'Lit

ard,' or 'Jack t

"Those are too silly for me even to tell baby. My story is nice story about a darli

foolish guesses, and declared she should like very m

shing, and trapping, and hunting; and he was very dull, for he had no wife and no child like me to talk to. The only people whom he used to see were some French lumberers, and now and then the Indians would come in their canoes

s and was half starved, sick and weak, and the kind gentleman took him home to his ho

ick and weak, and especially a poor Indian stranger. I like the sto

hould like to have a young beaver to make a pet of. He was very fond of pets; he had a dear little squirrel, just like mine, nurse, a flying squirrel, which he had made so tame that it slept in his bosom and lived in his pocket, wher

boy in a blanket coat,-with his dark eyes fixed upon his face, while his long black hair hung down on his shoulders. He looked quite wild, and


boy had caught it, and tamed it on purpose to bring

for his beaver to live in, and set it in a corner of the shanty; and he hollowed a large sugar-trough for his water, that he might have water to wash in, and cut down some young willows and poplars and birch-trees for him to eat, and the little beave

very glad to meet with a friend in that lonely place; but when he came, he could not open his door, and was obliged to get in at the window. What do you think the beaver had done? It had built a dam against the side of the trough, and a wall across the door, and it had dug up the hearth and the floor, and carried the earth and the stones to help to make his dam, and puddled it with water, and made such work! the house was in perfect confusi

in the season of the year when beavers congregate together to repair their works and build their winter houses, those that are in confinement

k that beavers and racoons could be taug

stic cat, you know, my dear, will eat cooked meat, and even salt meat, with bread and milk and many other things. I knew a person who had a black kitten

ss said it was not right to give it to him; and Major Pickford laughed, and declared the r

aid it was no

o eat; but one day he thought he would give them a fine treat, so he contrived to catch a poor cat by the tail, and drag her into his den, where he and the puppies lived together. His pets of course would not eat the cat, so the wi

n. These creatures abound in the western states, and are killed in great numbers for their skins. The Indian hunters eat the flesh, and say it is very tender and good; but it is not used for

the same that I told you of a little while ago; and white lilies, crane-bills, and these pretty lilac geraniums; here are scarlet-cups, and blue lupines, they are all in bloom now, and many oth

Rice Lake plains," said the little girl, as she

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