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King of the Jews


Word Count: 4486    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

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is Lord

faithful so

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, it was

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things went well. With them came the Temple Watch under the command of one Selpha, in steel helmet and steel-embossed leather cuirass. The watch consisted of twenty men in armor, two of whom carried long clubs set with spikes, two bore braziers of burning coals,

riests, "I suppose the disciple

d dream nothing of any attack. As to any re

ud, "Should they try it they sh

said Judas, "without a

im in the darkness so as not to arrest

n the garden; then look out. I will hasten up to him,

his sign will prevent us

o the watch and said, "Do you hear?

the soldiers, "we

make haste; it is time. We

tonight brings us good fortune, thou

"We, too, will reco

ple, thou wilt soon have thy reward." Thereupon the whole company moved off int

nd lament, but the world shall rejoice; ye shall be sorrowful, but your sorrow shall be turned into joy, for I will see you again and your heart shall

thou speakest plainly a

that thou knowest all things, and hast no

fore we believe that tho

out of the world. Holy Father, keep them in thy name; sanctify them in the truth. Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also who shall believe on me through their word; that they may all be one, as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee. Father, I will pray that they also whom thou hast given me be with me where I am, that they may behold my glory which thou hast given me, for thou lovedst

so laden down with sadness;" while Matthew cried, "Ah, that this night were passed with its w

, we will sit down here and

t we will, for I am utte

soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death. Tarry ye here and watch with me." Then after a pause he

to, Peter cried, looking after him, "Ah, dear good master,"

Peter said, "I

r dear master thus separ

ed, "Ye know, brethren, we were the witnesses of his transfigur

d John, who were sitti

heaven cried, with a great and pitiful voice, "Father, my Father! If it be possible, and with thee all things are possible, let this cup pass from me!" Then Jesus fell upon his face on the ground and rem

ched he found them asl

am, rubbed his head and

"Simon, dost

imself, said, "M

d you not watch w

, "O, Maste

, "Rabbi, sleep h

h and pray that ye ent

ed, "Yes, Lord, we

lling, but the flesh is weak." So saying he turned

g, "Father, the strife is hot." Falling upon his face he remained silent for a time, then raising himself again he cried, "Yes, Father, if this cup

o his sleeping disciples; thi

not watch?" he said. "Ah, my most trusted

compasses me! The burden of God's judgment lies upon me! Oh, the sins! Oh, the sins of mankind! They weigh me down. Oh, the fearful burden; oh, the bitterness of this cup!" Then coming to

ence were heard these words, "O, Son of Man, sanctify the Father's will! Look upon the blessedness which will proceed from thy struggle

le-to save, to bless!" Then standing up he cried in a more joyous tone, "Strengthened by thy word, O

three disciples lay slumbering peacefully. He looke

s voice, said, "W

nswered, "Behold

he son of man is betrayed into the ha

as heard in the immediate neighborhood of the garden

uproar?" sai

e rest of the eight, "Come, let us gather around the

the direction which Jesus indicated, and there by the flaring light of the brazi

multitude want

iples cried as with one vo

John, "Judas is

om side to side as he came, until he stopped immediately behind Jesus; then standing

over and k

u the son of man with a kiss?" Then stepping forward to meet th

went up from the soldie

aid, "I

ers fell backward to the ground, c

ed, "One single word from hi

o the soldiers,

spered eagerly to Jesus saying, "Lord, cast t

ond time asked,

replied, "Jesu

ld you that I am he; if therefore,

s approached Jesus, Malchus and Balbus carrying in their hands

plied, Peter's sword flashed from its sheath and descended on the head of Malchus. The helme

chus, "I am wound

ess, while Jesus turned to Peter and said, "Put up thy sword into its sheath, for all they who take the sword shall perish with the sword. The cup which the Father hath given, shall I not drink it? Thinkest thou I cannot now pray to my Father, and he would presently give me more than twelve legions of angels? B

Selpha; "bind him fa

il that he does not escape." At Selpha's command Malchus and Balbus had seized Christ, and were busily engaged in tying hi

soldiers said, "Out of ou

head, "Now, we will wreak our vengeance." And Dathan added, "

ll hasten on into the city. The Sanhedrin wi

we will not leave this s

e must go to the High Pries

d, "We fol

rader came up to Judas and said approvingly, "Thou a

"Did I not tell you that he w

st placed the whole council

his hands bound before him, was thrown violently forward by Malchus and Balbus, who held the other ends of the co

of his band, cried, "Let us ha

n now as thou hast hitherto run t

" said Selpha,

shouting together; "otherwise tho

fore them the traders derided him, saying,

ch and Missel, came upon the balcony. "I can find no rest this night," said Annas, looking impatiently down the street, "until I know that this disturber o

be much longer, for it is a g

street of Kedron. But nothing can I see and nothing h

, hurrying away as quickly as hi

to the success of the enterprise, began: "It would be a blo

xiety, high priest," and Missel added

, "They may have altered their way and returned through

gh priest wishes it I wi

t see whether anyone comes throu

d," said Sidrach, as he di

ncertainty. Every minute of this weary waiting time is as an hour to me. Hark, I

t, exclaimed, "My lord, Esdras comes in haste. I saw

he brings since he hastens so. Truly, I long f

rs who were sent to Judas. All has gone according to your wish. The Galilean is in bonds. I hear

ed from my heart; I feel as if I were born again. Now for the first

isees, who had been sent by the council to acc

"The wish of the coun

n has succeeded. Judas, thy name shall take an honorable place

ith the prisoner, startled by that word, s

s declared!"

d," cried Judas, "I wi

" said Annas coolly,

onately, "I have not deliver

er," said the Pharisees, "a

th his hand, cried, "Woe is me; what have I done? Shall

sees laughed at him and said, "Whether

nnas, "High priest, the pr

was Jesus brought before Annas on the balcony in custody with Selpha, the leader of the Temple Watch and the two servants of t

"High priest, in accordance with thy co

said, "Have you brough

s disciples disperse

th the trouble to arrest them. Never

at happen?"

Selpha, "with a drawn sword s

one side of Malchus' head and then at the other. "

ing, "the magician has

lchus replied seriously, "I cannot explain

he asked, and then turning to Jesus said to him, "Say,

ha, "when the high

thy teaching, which thou hast spread abroad over the whole

in the synagogue and in the temple, and in secret I taught nothing. What askest tho

of the cord by which his hands were bound, struck him over the fa

l, bear witness of the evil, but if I

thy life and death are in our power? I am weary of thi

thrust him forward, "wait a lit

may be brought to an end. In any case the summons to the Sanhedrin will reach me at an early hour in the morning." Annas then entered into his own house, leaving Jes

badly," and Balbus added, "After all it

ow and away with him to

cried the soldie

a still better reception from Caiaphas," and the soldiers shouted

g as they went. On their way to the Sanhedrin they led Jesus down the street which passed Pilate's house, and a

ke haste! Thy disciples are quite re

hey said, "Thou hast often dr

iaphas will soon expl

as silent, shouted in his ear, "Dost thou hear? Caiaphas

e watch followed, as they shouted, "An e

of Pilate's lies our nearest way to the palace of Caiaphas. T

ed, "Thy command sh

an Peter and John appeared before the house of Annas. Then said Peter, "How w

uffer here scorn and ill treatment. I am v

t it is so sile

a sound in the place. Could t

the house of Annas and asked, "What do you

ple from afar come hither from the Kedron Gate, an

ught in a prisoner, but he has

e disciples, "then we

will have you taken, up as

y and make no disturban

w. However, they will not escape our people if they go to the palace of Caiaphas. The whole of his following

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