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Introducing the American Spirit

Chapter 9 No.9

Word Count: 3048    |    Released on: 06/12/2017


sting still would be what they have not written about it, and that I have had frequent chances of hearing. The most picturesque and exhaustive comments I ever heard were those made by the Herr Director the evening we left Buffalo, and as he fi

ave the ill luck to be going; so it happened that the Herr Director had plenty of company during part of his vigil, and an opportunity to co

omfortable and speedy; although thus far it had been losing time. It was natural under those conditions that the railroad should come in for its share of blessings, couched in language such as is often heard in smoking com

om their most vulnerable side. The tales they told of the manipulation of stocks and the fleecing of the public, with their consequent effect upon th

my mind was busy classifying the passengers' racial origin, a very diverting exerc

and who confessed that they knew as little of railroad stocks as I, although they were engaged in as risky a business as stocks, that of

ng women's cloaks, and I am not a gambler. I have a sure thing; I am a bookie." Forced to confess myself ignorant as to what "a bookie" is, he explained to me the intricacies of his ca

e could conceive. As one by one the passengers sought their berths, the Herr Director thanked me for arranging this uncomfortable night journey, saying that though he was sure he could not sleep

ge; for he tried to jerk the berth from under him, and "Gott sei dank" that the most uncomfortable night of his life was over. I certainly was as grateful as he. It was with no small satisfaction, though, that upon rea

and sun had cleared the air, and a night's rain had washed the streets, we were taken from South Shore to North Shore

ened by her great disasters, undismayed by her vexing problems, defying the lake, she reaches out into it and into neighboring states, leading and controlling the whole Middle West. Babylon,

beautiful, her dirt not so apparent, her wickedness subdued, and her rough corners ru

taken them where every man, woman and child is taken who vi

occupation-shopping-aided and abetted by my wife. The Herr Director follo

stomers and, above all, the provisions for their comfort and convenience, were remarkable enough to call forth even the Herr Director's commendation. The Frau Direct

were about to leave the store with flying colors, figuratively speaking, when pride had a fall. Unluckily remembering that a certain small boy needed summer underwear, my wife led our party to the basement. When we left the elevator a polite floo

see boys' union su

nly. Ho

ve ye

rs. You will find your size on the s

gh endless aisles and were shot up floor after floor. Landed finally

r she enjoys exercise, and my wife, her faith in the efficiency of her favorite stor

desired article she asked: "S

t sle

second floor, for sho

dies on their further voyage of discovery; we we

rmination and endurance which women alone poss

owed this strenuous experience, after which, reste

most congested business section, at the edge of its noi

soon as he entered the building he felt the dignity and good taste of its arrangement, and his manner changed. After he had looked critica

such discrimination as was shown in choosing and hanging them. He was entirely unprepared for the excellent

ere crowded by boys and girls of all ages and varied nationalities and races, learning to develop their God-given talents under the guidance of competent and sympathet

Chicago's artistic firmament. In his rare personality, strength and purity, idealism and practical good sense blend, and his

e. It seemed to me a remarkable and beautiful combination. The marbles and pictures, the music, and, best of all, the children happily wandering about the place. When the program ended there was ice-cream for everybody, served by the

central figure that same sculptor, the finely bred American, clean and wholesome, who longs to create, not only the city beautiful, but the city

band," and partly obeys the Scriptural injunction: because he provides for his own. He too should be surrounded by children; not his, but the children who work in his factories and have to live in his rickety tenements. The two m

when uncontrolled and uncurbed, is more dangerous to civilization and to our democracy than the military spirit of Germany, and that it needs to be overcome by a force greater and stronger than i

or breath, Dr. French, who was an ardent Christian and knew his Bible, took from his pocket a New Testament, and pointed out a remarkab

more; merchandise of gold, and silver, and precious stones, and pearls, and fine linen, and purple, and silk, and scarlet; and all thyine wood, and every vessel of ivory, and every vessel made of most precious wood, and of brass,

read the rest of the

costliness! for in one hour is she made desolate," and then the voice of the angel crying into the thick of their lament, "Rejoice over her, thou Heaven and ye saints, and ye apostl

for my sculptured group: the twentieth ver

and see art students at work; hear classical music played by a children's orchestra, and watch the same children enjoying the party which followed; to meet one of the leading sculp

ago visit for me and my guests was Miss Jane Addams' absence in Europe. But the House was there-big, neighborly, homelike, hospitable-and the residen

and like places with their defiant spirit towards evil, their broad-mindedness an

floor to the Boys' Club on the third, and back again. I have done it frequently, and alw

o come. We were introduced to Mrs. Frankelstein from Roumania, and Mrs. Flynn from Ireland, Mrs. Ragovsky from Russia, Mr

They had charge of the affair. The Herr Director and the Frau Directorin caught the spirit of the occasion and entered into it with zest. When the orchestra began to play, he led the

Director. He praised everything and everybody, and as we parted for the nigh

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