Hours with the Ghosts or, Nineteenth Century Witchcraft
Author: Henry Ridgely Evans Genre: LiteratureHours with the Ghosts or, Nineteenth Century Witchcraft
spirit photograph as indubitable evidence of the reality of ghostly materializations. "Spirit photography," says the late Alexandre Herrmann, in an article on magic, published in
d the necessity of the expla
group with the friendly spook in proper position is arranged, and the lens of the camera uncovered, half of the required exposure being given; then the lens is capped, and the person doing duty as the sheeted ghost gets out of sight,
and has had sittings with many celebrated mediums. The walls of his office are literally covered with spirit pictures of famous people of history, executed by spirits under supposed test conditions. There are
otographs, and subsequently visited the United States Bureau of Ethnology, where an interview was had with Mr. Dinw
ad of the Empress Josephine has a diadem around it, and the lights and shadows remind one of the well known portrait of her. On another plate are Grant and Lincoln, Among his other photographs Dr. Hansmann brought out one of a man who was desc
rector, who on looking at the blue print named the Indians directly; several of the pictures were of India
by the
veral proofs, which on a comparison, feature by feature, light for light, and shade for shade, show unquestionably
t photographs. This he did, and the results obtained may be considered as far bet
feet, a red background was given her, so that it might photograph dark, and she was asked to put on a saintly expression. This she did, and Mr. Dinwiddie gave the plate a half-second exposure. Another
aste on the back, thus shutting out the light and leaving the paper its original hue. The white shadowy heads which are frequently shown in black coats, and which the mediums claim cannot be explained, are a
le out of focus. He claims that all of these apparent spiritual manifestations are but tricks of photography, and ones which might be accomplished
by photographers for business reasons, but Mr. Dinwiddie is employed
ts" is a reproduction of a "spirit" photograph made by a photographer claiming to be a medium. Says Mr. Woodbury: "Fortunately, however, we were in this case able to expose the fraud. Mr. W. M. Murray, a prominent member of the Society of Amateur Photographers