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Northanger Abbey

Chapter 4 4

Word Count: 1675    |    Released on: 28/11/2017

acquaintance of eight or nine days, is given as a specimen of their very warm attachment, and of the delicac

fore her friend, her first address naturally was, "My dearest creature, wha

eally I thought I was in very good time. It is b

was so afraid it would rain this morning, just as I wanted to set off; it looked very showery, and that would have thrown me into agonies! Do you know, I saw the prettiest hat you can imagine, in a shop window in Milso

it ever since I woke; and

ld not tell you what is behind the black ve

ton, I am sure it is Laurentina's skeleton. Oh! I am delighted with the book! I should like to spend my whole life

finished Udolpho, we will read the Italian together; and I have

! How glad I am!

Wolfenbach, Clermont, Mysterious Warnings, Necromancer of the Black Forest, Midnig

they all horrid, are you

every one of them. I wish you knew Miss Andrews, you would be delighted with her. She is netting herself the sweetest cloak you can co

ou scold them for

our assemblies this winter that if he was to tease me all night, I would not dance with him, unless he would allow Miss Andrews to be as beautiful as an angel. The men think us incapable of real friendship, you know, and I am de

therine, colouring.

love with you." Catherine coloured, and disclaimed again. Isabella laughed. "It is very true, upon my honour, but I see how it is; you are indifferent to everybody's admiration, except that of one gentleman, who shall be nameless. Nay, I cannot blame you"-speaking more seriously-"yo

think so very much about Mr. Tilney,

re, do not talk of it. I am sure you

; but while I have Udolpho to read, I feel as if nobody could make me miserable. Oh! The dre

ever have read Udolpho before; but I s

ads Sir Charles Grandison herself; b

horrid book, is it not? I remember Miss And

at all; but yet I think

atherine, have you settled what to wear on your head tonight? I am determined at all e

y if they do," said Cat

ey say. They are very often amazingly impertinent if you do n

observed that. They alway

hemselves of so much importance! By the by, though I have thought of it a hundred times, I have alwa

out it. Something between both, I think

nd rather dark hair.' Well, my taste is different. I prefer light eyes, and as to complexion-do you know-I like a sallow bet

u! What do

believe I have said too mu

lse in the world, Laurentina's skeleton, when her friend prevented her, by saying, "For heaven's sake! Let us move away from this end of the room. Do you know, there are two o

xamined the names, it was Catherine's employment t

e not so impertinent as to follow us. Pray let me know

ure, assured her that she need not be longer unea

Isabella, turning hastily round. "On

owards the c

, what say you to going to Edgar's Buildings with me, and

ly," she added, "perhaps we m

te, we shall pass by them presently,

nutes, there will be no dange

ssure you. I have no notion of treating men wi

the independence of Miss Thorpe, and her resolution of humbling the sex, they s

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