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Frank Merriwell at Yale

Chapter 3 THE BLOW.

Word Count: 1708    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

really revengeful, and his words seemed to indicate that

s pale and he tr

ay that you will blo

a gentleman and the son of a gentleman, and I'll never stand it to be treated like a cur. Hazing is sa

fellow st

said, distinctly, "but you will

be a cad than

ould take your medicine like a

squealing now, for you see you hav

mptuously. "There's not much man about a

le! Is this what

in the old days of Delta Kappa and Signa Epsilon. Why, sometimes a fell

ake," said a chap in the background, a

have a cold bot and hot lob. You freshies walked right in on us to-night, and we gave you a pleasant reception. Now, if y

was a put-up job, and Bruce Browning was in it. He got us to come here. Frank Merriwell kn

y impulse, he tore off his mask, showing a flushed, chubby, boyi

it! If you want to throw me down, go ahead. It will be a lo

had cried; but he wouldn't beg and he never squealed. After that Browning had taken him under his wing, had fought his battles, and had stood by him through the fresh

and there was a general stir. One fellow proposed that everybody unmask, so

ow who to investigate if anything should happen to Diamond.

o it, Tad!" cried mo

white, even teeth a

me," he sneered. "If so, you will

d another of the masked students, "but yo

am in earnest, and I do

ntion of reporting the hazing. If he did so, Browning and Horner would find themselves in deep trouble, and others might become involved during th

ould b

as an alibi could have been arranged for him if he had not done so. Now he would be too proud to permit them to try an

in one of the little groups. "Diamon

aks up this joint. No more little lun

exploded a third. "It

Diamond," suggeste

eep his tongue still," dolefully groaned

a face like a girl's. "The whole

through the eyeholes in their masks, and not one

ome of them were inclined to indulge in profanity, which, although it relie

riwell spoke up,

way, "you've only taken the same dose they g

contemptuous look

bout this little joke," Frank went on.

you cannot! You were in the game all the time. That's why you

y word of honor th

ord of

rned. "See-look at my clothes. You can

em fixed that way on

etter than that! Be

n made a sav

k of it's nothing to me," he flashed. "Keep stil

k-full of nice clean, blank pages

nner sudde

d," he said, "you

ught his breath a

urprised at the othe

n your

y n

xpulsion for you as wel

about the two freshmen, wondering not a

slowly repeated Di



came here to fight


o, s

all that'

I don't u

se a fellow to be fired from Yale quicker than the knowledge th

ep sigh of relief came from the masked lads, and so

moment. He glared at Frank, his

he slo

blow about, so if you are a gentlema

do not blow about, but you seem determined to let out everything, for all that it would be a dirty thing to do. In order to even the matter, th

arbled one of the delighted sophomore

, but his voice was so hoarse that his words were unin

rown lazily whispered in Tad H

it; but a satisfied smile crept over his rosy face, a

m. He strode forward, looked strai

sir! I coul

was doing, he struck Merriwell a shar

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