Frank Fairlegh
morn, and soft
riding o'er th
im the gilded
ow, and pleasur
take mine eas
able to converse on the subject which alone engrossed our thoughts, and disinclined to do so upon any other, were fain to follow their example. About half-past eight Dr. Mildman and Cumberland returned, and, after dinner, which was served to them in the Doctor's study, Cumberland retired to his room, where he remained during the rest of the evening. Oaklands then received a summons from the Doctor, and, on his return, informed us that (as we had already hear
re. At first he took a very high tone, denied the whole thing, and was extremely blustering and impertinent; but on being confronted with Cumberland, and threatened by Dr. Mildman's legal friend with the terrors of the law, he became thoroughly crestfallen, restored th
for my easy, careless way of going on, this scheme would never have been thought of-nay, I might, perhaps, have been able to rescue Cumberland from the hands of this sharper; but in this manner we neglect the opportunities afforded us of doing good, and-Frank," he continued, with a sudden burst of energy, "I will cure
s both at the same instant, and occasioned a fit of laughter, which we did not check till we recollected with what dissonance
rranging water-jugs, etc., which appeared to my sleep-bewildered senses to have been going on for at least half an hour. My faculties not being sufficiently aroused to enable me to speak, Thomas continued, "You'll be late, Mr. Fairlegh"; then came a
ied I, jumping out of bed and making
it always gives me quite a turn when any of our gents is expelled: it's like being thrown out of place at a
rs I ran, with one arm in, and one out of my jacket, leaving Thomas to conclud
to-day?" inquired Oaklands, a
the proprieties," said Coleman; "re
ford, shoot some pigeons, have a champagne breakfast, and be home again in time for the ol
Freddy, we ought not to do anything to annoy the Doctor upon this occasion; c
w, but what are we to be at then? something I m
s hire a boat, and have a
st the laws, is i
like bricks last summer, and Mildman rather approved of i
it out of me as well as anything. Now, don't go wasting time; let's get ready, and be off;
?" inquired Lawless; "you'
lied in the
row, Fa
that I coul
t will be just the thing; Freddy can steer, he's a very fair hand at it, and we four fellows will pull, s
for; it was launched without any misadventure, and we took our places, and began pul
foretaste of the good things she has in store for us. The clear bright sea, its surface just ruffled by a slight breeze from the south-west, sparkled in the sunshine, and fell in diamond showers from our oars
d the boat to drift with the tide, merely pulling a stroke now and then to keep her head in the right direction. After drifting for some twenty minutes or so in the manne
hat sort of thing, but it doesn't strike me as particularly
was in such a delicious reverie; what a barbarian you are, Lawless!
re, Oaklands, for any money. You are fitter to lounge about in some old woman's drawing-room, than to han
don't think I was stroke-oar in the crack boat at Eton for a year, with
s, and neckcloth-which latter article he braced tightly round his waist-an examp
our oars, and we'll give you a rid
ng shore about half a mile from the beach) came in view and disappeared again like scenes in some moving panorama. We must now have proceeded some miles, yet still the rival champions continued their exertions with unabated energy and a degree of strength that seemed inexhaustible. Greatly interested in the event, I had at first watched the contending parties with anxious attention, but, perceiving that the efforts they were making did not produce any visible effects upon them, and that the struggle was likely to be a protracted one, I took advantage of the opportunity to open a letter from my sister, which I had received just as I was leaving the house. I was sorry to find, on perusing it, that my father had been suffering from an inflammatory attack, brou
now before we shall see who's best
es were drawn with less and less vigour each succeeding time, while their flushed faces, and heavy breathing, proved that the severe labour they had undergone had not been without its effect. The only visible difference between them was, th
arry," he continued, as soon as they le
e," replied Oaklands, wiping
"though I am free to confess, that if you were in proper
aklands; "I'm sure I could have kept on fo
saw you were getting used up, and I recollected that we should have to row back with the wind against us, which, as the breeze
have gone on pulling as long as I could have held an oar; we must be some d
he little bay beyond stands the village of Fisherton. I vote we go ashore there, have some bread and c
hile the pretty bar-maid, upon whom also devolved the duties of waitress, hastened to place before us a smoking dish of eggs and bacon, which we had chosen in preference to red herr
you got any bottled po
good it is," replied
ing," observed
ed Lawless, "and some pewter pots-porter's
ripped off, and soon returned with a b
awless; "now for a corkscrew, pr
work as we have been doing," observed Oakland
g man that used to keep company along with you-that nic
I've nothink to say to no young man whatsumever," repli
eman, "if I were
've got a wife already, such a
mily with a large appetite," c
n, observing a smile, at her expense, going the round of the party, she added, "I see how it
said Lawless, "but give m
unusually hungry by the sea air and the unaccustomed exercise of rowing, I had both eaten and drunk more than I was in the habit of doing, to which cause may be attributed my falling
ss, wake up! I don't much li
g, and walking to the window-a feat, by the way, he did not perform quite as steadily as usual. "By Jove!" h
lf a crown and a kiss from Lawless, and down we ran to the be