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Queen Lucia

Chapter three 

Word Count: 4361    |    Released on: 17/11/2017

lme, the rest of the village in its due degree, fell very little short of perfection. It had but it

it might be restored or supplemented by bathrooms or other conveniences, presented a truly Elizabethan appearance. There were, of course, accretions such as old inn signs above front-doors and old bell-pulls at their sides, but the doors were uniformly of inconveniently l

d a pair of stocks, about which there was no doubt whatever, for Mr Lucas had purchased them from a neighbouring iconoclastic village, where they were going to be broken up, and, after having them repaired, had presented them to the village-green, and chosen their site close to the ducking pond. Round the green were grouped the shops of the village, slightly apart from the residential street, and at the far end of it was that undoubtedly Elizabethan hostelry, the Ambermere Arms, full to overflowing of anci

gh it made him a little dizzy, it certainly produced a sort of lightness, but soon he remembered the letter from Mrs Quantock which Lucia had read out, warning her that these exercises ought to be taken under instruction, and so desisted. He was going t

d being instantly admitted if she was, and as a matter of fact, Georgie caught a glimpse, when the knocker was answered (Mrs Quantock did not have a bell at all), through the open door of the hall, of Mrs Quantock standing in

t a note for you," he s

him the wide firm smile that she had learne

t's extraordinary what Yoga has done for me already. Cold quite gone. If ever you feel out of

ing excitements which had trodden so close on each other's heels

a Guru of extraordinary sanctity from Benares, and he's teaching me the Way. You shall see him too, unless he's meditating. I will call

round towar

ear!" sh

use, and the Indian's f


you," she said. "This is Mr Pillson, and when you

indeed. I see into his clear white

? Fancy!" said Mrs Q

ed his hat v

uld have said "How do you do Guru?" but it rhymed in a ri

Guru, "I am always young and

probably audible across the channel, "and he thinks more, but the

" began

my f

barrassed. Also it was so hard to talk at a second-story window with any sense of ease, e

came to the assistanc

u coming down to s

er when it is good to be alone. I will come down when the guides bid me. But teach our dear friend what I

d Georgie when the Guru disappeared from

id Mrs Quantock, "He sees them and talks

e a hap

ere into the house that even Robert feels it, and doesn't mind being turned out

on of Mrs Quantock standing on one leg in the middle of the lawn, but presumab

does he do

nderdone, and Robert was beginning to throw it about his plate in the way he has. Well, my Guru got up and just said, 'Show me the way to kitchen'- he leaves out little words sometimes, because they don't matter - and I took him down, and he said 'Peace!' He told me to leave him there, and in ten minutes he was up again with a little plate of curry and rice and what had been underdone mutton, and you never ate anything so good. Robert had most of it and I had the rest, and my Guru was so pleased at seeing Robert pleased. He said R

ded very

essed about his increasing plumpness for a year past, and about his increa

ook he

except under tuition f

y in front of him, without any otter-hunting, which, so she had informed him, was not possible in August. This was mysterious to Georgie, because it did not seem likely that all otters died in August, and a fresh brood came in like caterpillars. If Hermy

e be my Guru as

thus equipped as far more capable of exercising supremacy. After all, everybody in Riseholme knew Lucia's old tune by now, and was in his secret consciousness quite aware that she did not play the second and third movements of the Moonlight Sonata, simply because they "went faster," however much she might cloak the omission by saying that they resembled eleven o'clock in the morning and 3 p.m. And Mrs Quantock had often suspected that she

t, invite the discoverer, the inventress, just now and then. Mrs Quantock's Guru would become Lucia's Guru and all Riseholme would flock hungrily for light and leading to The Hurst. She had written to Lucia in all sincerity, hoping that she would extend the hospitality of her garden-parties to the Guru, but now the very warmth of Lucia's reply caused her to suspect this ulterior motive. She had been too precipitate, too rash, too ill-advised, too sudden, as Luci

ou as a pupil. But you can't tell what he will do, as he said to me today, apropos of myself, '

uru. The measure of his determination may be gauged fro

nd," he said. "He told me

ody," said Mrs Quantock. "His religion makes

cried Georgie, "when he asked for

t, but that moment was too short for Georgie

f thing," she observed. "Common people - he is o

de the dir

him to teach

ways in the direction of the pear-tree where a thrush was singing.

e a great smile

little broth

d to Geor

hat is true in every religion. Well, I will ask my Guru whether he

oes he charge for his

nce smile illumina

ld not permit that, and for the present I just give him all he wants. No doubt when he goes away, which I hope will not be for many weeks yet, though no one can tell when

t flowed into the Avon could be combined with the Ganges, and the garden into the burning ghaut, and the swooping swallows into the kites, and the neat parlour-maid who showed him out, into a Brahmin, and the Chinese gong

e were half a dozen houses, easy of access where he could betake himself in his military cloak, and spend a post-prandial hour. But oftener than not when these occasions occurred, he would be quite busy at home, dusting a little china, and rearranging ornaments on his shelves, and, after putting his rings and handkerchief in the candle-bracket of the piano, spending a serious hour (with the soft pedal down, for fear of irritating Robert) in reading his share of such duets as he

(these evenings that he was "busy indoors")- and even an invitation from Lucia would not succeed in disturbing them. Ages ago Riseholme had decided what made Georgie "busy indoors" once a month, and so none

e locks that crossed his head; Mr Holroyd had attended to that before, and had suggested a certain remedy, not in the least inconvenient, unless Georgie proposed to be athletic without a cap, in a high wind, and even then not necessarily so. But as he had no intention of being athletic anywhere, with or without a cap, he determined as he went up the stairs that he would follow Mr Holroyd's advice. Mr Holroyd's procedure, without this added formula, entailed sitting "till it dried," and after that he would have dinner, and then Mr Holroyd would begin again. He was a very

the top of his head, and hanging down, like the tresses of a Rhine-maiden over one shoulder. So Mr Holroyd was commissioned to put that little affair in hand at once, and when the greyness had been attended to, and Georgie had had his dinner, there came hot towels and tappings on his face, and other ministrations. All was done about half past ten, and when he came downstairs again for a short practice at the bass part of Beethoven's fifth symphony, ingeniously arranged for two performers on the piano, he looked with sincere satisfaction at his rosy face in the Cromwellian mirror, and his shoes felt quite comfortable again, and his nails shone

, and there were several pieces of considerable value among them. There were a gold Louis XVI snuff box, a miniature by Karl Huth, a silver toy porringer of the time of Queen Anne, a piece of Bow china, an enamelled cigarette case by Faberge. But tonight his handling of them was not so dainty and delicate as usual, and he actually dropped the porringer on the floor

moon. She had seen it yesterday, she told him, in London, and had taken no notice whatever of it. . . . The heavens were quickly peppered with pretty stars, which Georgie after his busy interesting day enjoyed looking at, though if he had had the arrangement of them, he would certainly have put them into more definite patterns

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