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Dotty Dimple At Home

Chapter 7 HOW IT ENDED.

Word Count: 2084    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

thout fear. But Prudy had suffered in her short life a great deal of what we call "discipline," and had learned pretty thoroughly the

is the lin

the line

, and thou

ever follo

ever have it; but if we try first of all to do right, then the good time will come of itself. Dotty certa

n the ocean with a little boy like Solly Rosenberg, even if her mother had

were clouds scudding about up there like shadowy sail-boats, and the sun had to fight his way through them, till by and by he gave it up en

ther gloomy. The waves, instead of sparkling, only foamed and bubbled; indeed they grew larger every moment, for the wind was blowing a gale.

e, anxious to divide the sin with her compa

guilty, though you and I know the weather had nothing to do with the

e, said she was dizzy, and wish

cried Johnny; "if you fuss round

ch effect as if it had been an iron spoon; and he probably knew as much about boating as he did about the dead languages. Solly and Freddy were several years older, and considerably

!" screa

cried Lina; "the water

the shore, Solly Ro

hter made us co

ed the mour

in pretty business knocking

replied Dotty, too much subdued

the paddle," remar

should always be accused of losing it, though in her secret soul she was sure the wind had blown it off. But a new ha

, "if you are really afraid, Lina

her hands. "O

y, don't you bump too hard against th

very distant; indeed, it was in full sight, "so near, and yet so far!" If the wind had only been quiet, instead of "c

boy looked at each other wit

nage this craft, and we neither of us know what we are abou

tty, catching her breath, "you

na, "you're going the wrong way

er lip" very white, "we're coming round

is paddle, as if he were whipping eggs with a beater, "yes, girls,

He was quite as consequential, in his way, as the fly who sat on a wagon-wh

e at all," continued Johnny,

wave leaped over the side of the

make it pleasant!" ga

r!" sighed the g

g to rub them. "Guess I wouldn't say much if I w

d Solly, who had hitherto paid no heed to the little boy's vigorous bu

much insulted. "How are you ever going to

face from the gigantic efforts they made, and the

eamed Dotty; "and I told you so: I knew it

ied Lina; "and, Solly Rosenberg,

! O! O! you don't know how. And I'll tell my father! And he'll never know where I am! And my mother's gone away to aunt Maria Clifford's, and I'm going to

r, having little idea what she said, only conscious of

Rosenberg dropped

no use; my arms

ts longer, then dropped his oar als


, boys?" said Johnny, dipping

it, they would have said there was the last of Dotty Dimple. But, on second thought, you may be sure it was not

but life is full of just such mercies; and of course I knew all th

was c

ted Dotty, "ever so far

" cried Solly, and to

it; and he steered once more, with courage renewed; though, as to

hildren were thoroughly drenched and sobered. A more s

lecture made up for you crazy chickens; but you are all so meek, that I re

id their heads, and made mental resolves that they would never, never ventu

d Johnny to Dotty, as they went home

l mine, nor Susy,

on't know but we reached over too far after sea-shells, didn't we, and fell into

, Jo

pulled me out-by the boots; only my boots

hnny E

and was looking at her cousin with an

mething better t

e I don't," returned Dotty, squeezin

"they'll know it was

, setting her feet down so firmly that the water made a gurgling

story as pulling out by the hair! I di

, gravely! "I wasn't going to have you say I mus'n't!

y had reached Mr

ought any longer of trying to conceal a single item of their remarka

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