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The Refugees

Chapter 7. The New World And The Old

Word Count: 3167    |    Released on: 17/11/2017

t possible minute. When at last he was able to tear himself away, he adjusted his cravat, b

you those

York, er

th, and indeed the sombre colour is the

I had my fringed hunting tun

he brim, he fastened it with a golden brooch taken from his own shirt front. "There is a martial cock," said he, laughing, "and wou

gun when

l be laid by the h

a knif

th the gun too, I pray! Let me retie your cravat. So! Now if yo

an streets. De Catinat, who was the older by five years, with his delicate small-featured face, his sharply trimmed moustache, h

rue, but bidding fair to be the higher of the two. His close yellow hair, blue eyes, and heavy build showed that it was the blood of his father, rather than that of his mother, which ran in his veins; and even the sombre coa

ing?" he asked, as they eme

, one of the pala

s he t

ives at Ve

a man should hav

-St. Germain, Marly, F

A man can but live

come or go as the

St. Sulpice at Montreal, and thought that it was the g

ontreal, then? You

es in a row, and eastward the great mill with

in Paris, for I give you my word that I have worn the caribou mocassins, the leather jacket, and th

d he plunged into a series of questions which lasted until they had crossed the river and reached t

" he asked, gazing at

e of the king

of them? Do they

ace with all the w

Why then al

ey may b

own homes surely. In our country every man has his musket in his chimney corn

y great, and he

made the

king, to

ot be better to

try that he has made these enemies. It is but five years since he made a peace at Nimeguen, by which he tore away sixteen fortresses from the Spanish Lowlands. Then, also,

as he done

eat king, and for t

time as they rode on between the high, thin po

to miss-one a beaver-skin and one a bag of ginseng, and one a belt of wampum, until at last old Pete Hendricks lost his chestnut three-year-old. Then there was a search and a fuss unt

e, my friend, is scarce polite," said he. "If you and I are to

ong," answered the American, "but I speak as the matter s

yes upon him. "By my soul, where would the court be if every man

dust. Then, with quick, noiseless steps, he zigzagged along the road, ran swiftly across a grassy bank, and stood

idle of the riderless horse. "The sight of Paris has shaken his wits. Wha

the wood. It could not have been long ago, and there is no slur to the track, so that it was not going fa

inat distractedly. "I fear that some evil will come up

asked Amos Green, swingin

s and you speak as coolly of slaying his deer

is face, and spurring his horse, he galloped onwards at such a pace that De

ountry to ride so madly al

ut this morning that I took my gun to shoot a pigeon that was flying over the roofs in yonder street, and old Pierre caught my arm with a

nd, and if all men rode and shot as they listed, much harm would come from it. But let us

o Sault la Marie, where the three great lakes meet, t

enac would have said to that. The tra

Montreal and afterwards Quebec. In the end we were sent b

od journey f

th the Micmac fish-eaters over the Penobscot. Then later with the Iroquois, as far west as the country of the Seneca

d ill spare

learn some things that are not to be found in the woods. And so

also of

rst man that ever

r the names of al

when their names shall be as

the water even as yours is, and I would ask nothing better than to see the palisades of Point Levi again, even if all the Five Nation

at the lovely grounds, dotted with fountain and with statue, and barred with hedge and with walk, stretching away to the dense woods whi

ou think of it?"

st work is in America,

h palace as that, even as there is no

e him, th

I fear that you are sc

ld show him

t greeting woul

by the hand, and ask as to his

my son of the woods, that it were best not to lead you into paths where you would be lost, as would any of the courtiers if

two cavaliers reined their horses aside to leave the roadway clear, the coach rumbled heavily past them, drawn by two dapple grays, and the Horsemen caught a glimpse, as it passed, of a bea

woman in France," whispered De Catinat.

arriage, and then, sweeping off his hat, he bowed to his horse's neck; a salute i

lady, with no very pleas

ver been good

ot so thi

gave me a hateful

rmed it in a h

, what could

autiful face turned as bitte

at my day was past. No doubt it seemed to you that you might reap f

, ma

ds and not by words. Did you, then, think that my charm had s

I were blind t

e owl," said Amos G

he. "At four o'clock today we shall see whether others are of the same mind; and if they are, then it may be ill for those who mistook what w

ompanion was staring open-mouthed after the c

ch a one

ling a tongue, I dare

e. And yet there is a lovely fa

taste in beauty, for al

much that when I stand before one I feel that

y to do. To keep oneself in this court is like coming down the La Chine Rapids where there is a rock to right, and a rock to left, and another perchance in front, and if you so much as graze one, where are you a

many gaily dressed ladies, who strolled among the flower-beds or watched the fountains with the sunlight glinting upon their high water sprays. One of these, who h

speak with you. The king comes to her at three, and we have but twenty minutes. I heard that you

t once. Ah, De Bris

e uniform which De Catinat wore. He turned a

ered a league or two fro

leave him in your hands, for he is a stranger from America, and would fain see all that you can s

Green, De Catinat sprang from his horse, and followed at the top of his sp

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