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Defending the Island

Chapter 5 FIRE

Word Count: 4027    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

which distressed Susan, and thus did h

o the dwelling, because the spring was within the stockade, and however much mischief the shee

dden in the thicket back of the palisade, and, after this, the fear that the ablest of his assistants m

ng almost sharply to the end that she mi

om the palisade." Then, seeing that she hesitated, he added, "It is necessary for the safety of all that you look af

d not believe it necessary to give very much attention to her arm, which

lling, Mark, watching through the looph

thing over yo

. The Frenchmen are stick

ou to come here a few minutes. I

himself to the aim of the enemy, although it was essential he k

e vicinity had been ploughed up by the feet of the animals until the spring was nearly c

re in the woods," he said to himself. "Later in the

inel near the gate, instructing her to raise an alarm imme

close at hand. I don't believe the Indians will come out of the thicket to show themselves where no shelter can be f

, although I can't shoot so well;

n now and morning I'm counting on your

emained at her moorings with but few men showing on deck, after whi

s which had been gathered in the woods against just such an emergency, a

e taking good care to keep out of sight, and it is only a waste of ammunition to fire at a waving

and to that end ate supper with Mark, after which the two went out to their weary, dangerous vigil onc

t hand, her crew would not come ashore when it was seen that the Future Hopes had left her anchorage. "We can't afford to look o

in that deplorable condition; but shut her teeth tightly as if to prevent the escape of

t Susan insisted that she was needed in the house, a

o first get his supper, and then, if the Indians rem

e sky. While the moon shone brightly it was as easy to guard against surprise as at noonday; but once th

hat he had told Susan, he added, "We've got to take whatever comes, and the only manly way is to make the

hts, and involuntarily he ducked his head when a bullet came

through the loophole at the underbrush which was merged by the shadows into one single

so active, and then he caught a glimpse of a faint spark in the thicket,

suddenly increased in size, and, while he stood speculating as to what

ll that he stand very much longer on guard

ing the palisade, and thus giving them free entran

he could make a movement toward the spring, came the realizati

en though he exposed himself to full view over the top of the palisa

but to sell our lives as dearly as possible," he said, gloomily, to himself. "Everything aroun

tform, and as he did so Susan cried,

is on

ve started a bla

ence burn,

e fire is we

hing toward putti

e Indians to shoot us down

er distress Susan leaped down from

t suppose it will make any great difference to us, and yet we

n though he was at a considerable distance from her,

Sue; we can make a last

ut it will b

isade as if trying to decide upon a course of action, and whi

by this time that it must have been seen by those on the vessel, and Mis

he log

fore the flames can eat in very deeply.

s to be

and shoot down as many as possibl

now? The Indians can climb up on the posts on either si

ore!" Susan cried. "One boat-

en prudence demanded that they should seek shelter as soon as possible, he

Indians will soon be over the f

ver of the shadows to one side or the other, and shoot you down. We've done al

he humming of a bullet close beside Susan's head, gave emphasis to t

strove to appear unconcerned, each hoping to cheer the other, and at no time since the island w

e glow of the flames, which were increasing each instant, fanned as they

t the Indians will make a try at coming over the stockade before the fire has destroyed it, else they have changed

to the younger children, said, at this moment, and th

m their minds; but now all realized that, even though they might not be permitted to rem

if you see a painted face over the fence!" Mark cried, as he

y this time that the Abenakis are where they can have a view of the enclosure,

ot inside here when the palisade catches fire. One bucketful of water w

opened the door, running at full speed to the sp

ts were fired in rapid succession; but, fortunately for the defenders o

the lad no more than wheeled about when he gained the spring, and then came toward

s full of muddy water, and, while barring the

o drink; but after the mud has settled a bit it will be better than nothing. I am to blame

her hand affectionately on his shoulder. "You have taken the place of both your fath

ected to give no heed to the words as he clambered into the lof

, and we'll load our own guns u

ullets, after which she stood on the top of a table ready to tak

and a cry of pain followed the report, tel

e?" his mother a

the fence near the gate. There's o

e reports coming so near together as to soun

her! What did

ash, like a loon; but it seems as if I mu

on learned that it would be impossible to recharge the weapons and a

f which were known to have found their targets, when

d, and Mark replied, quietly, as if

come, and are batt

" Susan asked, her voice quivering de

ut down a stout tree, the work might be done in half that time. Keep your eyes on the top of the fen

Abenakis had tired of a game at which they were rapidly b

said, grimly. "We must have all the muskets ready when the rush co

ume, and the heat inside the dwelling, filled with t

greeable appearance, and the older members of the little company were already sufferi

oft to survey the scene in the rear. "The wind is getting up in great shape, a

e!" Luke cried. "Two or three more fa

struggle, and the three children crouched, muskets in hand, ready to empty the six weapons

ty. In one corner of the room, seated on a bed which was laid on the floor behind the barrica

was illumined by the glow of the flames, now not more than

ring, was empty, and the throats of the three children in the lo

moment seemed very near, for once the gate was demolished

usan whispered softly in Mark's ear

sha'n't be forg

shock which could be felt by the refugees as the heavy

outed. "Shoot at the for

party of women and children might have planned an ambush, and then with

, delaying only sufficiently long to fling back the empty weapon

ground, and had the children been able to fire one more volley immediately, it is qu

to shake the very earth, and on the moment rain fell in torrents, coming as sud

orce, and as they wavered the children in the loft disch

n of the enormous downpour of water was converted into clouds of steam by the flames, which were liter

us being suddenly plunged into profound darkness

a vivid, blinding flash of lightning which illumined the interior of the loft through the few cr

tored them to their senses somewhat, and

oon. Now, while we are cooped up here in t

jagged rifts of unearthly fire, breaking though the clouds, illumined

ning away! They

lightning, and when it came, preceded by crashing thunder which

the whole crew will come back when the storm is over, and there will be n

towed upon us," Mistress Pemberton said, devoutly. "The fire is

ark thought, recalling to mind the fate of those set

e, fearing that the downpour of water would speedily cease; but the moments went by amid the flashing of lightning and crashing

hey might all be together during this respite from the cruel foe, and when they were in the room below, freed from the fear of i

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