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Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia

Chapter X Imlac's History (continued) - A Dissertation Upon Poetry

Word Count: 876    |    Released on: 18/11/2017

highest learning, and regarded with a veneration somewhat

ned the credit by consent which it received by accident at first; or whether, as the province of poetry is to describe nature and passion, which are always the same, the first writers took possession of the most striking objects for description and the most probable occurrences for fiction, and left nothing to thos

que of Mecca. But I soon found that no man was ever great by imitations. My desire of excellence impelled me to transfer my attention to nature and to life. Nature was to be my sub

cles of the palace. Sometimes I wandered along the mazes of the rivulet, and sometimes watched the changes of the summer clouds. To a poet nothing can be useless. Whatever is beautiful and whatever is dreadful must be familiar to his imagination; he must be conversant with all that is awfully vast or elegantly little. The plants of the garden, the animals o

ful to study, and every country which I have survey

I have lived till now within the circuit of the mountains, and yet cannot walk abr

lip, or describe the different shades of the verdure of the forest. He is to exhibit in his portraits of nature such prominent and striking features as recall the original to every min

dental influences of climate or custom, from the sprightliness of infancy to the despondence of decrepitude. He must divest himself of the prejudices of his age and country; he must consider right and wrong in their abstracted and invariable state; he must disregard present laws and opinions, and rise to general and transcendental truths, which will always be the

and, that his style may be worthy of his thoughts, must by incessant practice fam

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1 Chapter I Description of a Palace in a Valley2 Chapter II The Discontent of Rasselas in the Happy Valley3 Chapter III The Wants of Him that Wants Nothing4 Chapter IV The Prince Continues to Grieve and Muse5 Chapter V The Prince Meditates His Escape6 Chapter VI A Dissertation on the Art of Flying7 Chapter VII The Prince Finds a Man of Learning8 Chapter VIII The History of Imlac9 Chapter IX The History of Imlac (continued)10 Chapter X Imlac's History (continued) - A Dissertation Upon Poetry11 Chapter XI Imlac's Narrative (continued) - A Hint of Pilgrimage12 Chapter XII The Story of Imlac (continued)13 Chapter XIII Rasselas Discovers the Means of Escape14 Chapter XIV Rasselas and Imlac Receive an Unexpected Visit15 Chapter XV The Prince and Princess Leave the Valley, and See Many Wonders16 Chapter XVI They Enter Cairo, and Find Every Man Happy17 Chapter XVII The Prince Associates with Young Men of Spirit and Gaiety18 Chapter XVIII The Prince Finds a Wise and Happy Man19 Chapter XIX A Glimpse of Pastoral Life20 Chapter XX The Danger of Prosperity21 Chapter XXI The Happiness of Solitude - The Hermit's History22 Chapter XXII The Happiness of a Life Led According to Nature23 Chapter XXIII The Prince and His Sister Divide Between Them the Work of Observation24 Chapter XXIV The Prince Examines the Happiness of High Stations25 Chapter XXV The Princess Pursues Her Inquiry with More Diligence than Success26 Chapter XXVI The Princess Continues Her Remarks Upon Private Life27 Chapter XXVII Disquisition Upon Greatness28 Chapter XXVIII Rasselas and Nekayah Continue Their Conversation29 Chapter XXIX The Debate on Marriage (continued)30 Chapter XXX Imlac Enters, and Changes the Conversation31 Chapter XXXI They Visit the Pyramids32 Chapter XXXII They Enter the Pyramid33 Chapter XXXIII The Princess Meets with an Unexpected Misfortune34 Chapter XXXIV They Return to Cairo Without Pekuah35 Chapter XXXV The Princess Languishes for Want of Pekuah36 Chapter XXXVI Pekuah is Still Remembered. The Progress of Sorrow37 Chapter XXXVII The Princess Hears News of Pekuah38 Chapter XXXVIII The Adventures of the Lady Pekuah39 Chapter XXXIX The Adventures of Pekuah (continued)40 The History of a Man of Learning41 Chapter XLI The Astronomer Discovers the Cause of His Uneasiness42 Chapter XLII The Opinion of the Astronomer is Explained and Justified43 Chapter XLIII The Astronomer Leaves Imlac His Directions44 Chapter XLIV The Dangerous Prevalence of Imagination45 Chapter XLV They Discourse with an Old Man46 Chapter XLVI The Princess and Pekuah Visit the Astronomer47 Chapter XLVII The Prince Enters, and Brings a New Topic48 Chapter XLVIII Imlac Discourses on the Nature of the Soul49 Chapter XLIX The Conclusion, in which Nothing is Concluded