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Criminal Types


Word Count: 3363    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

eble-minded people in our country. Wel


mitted against the public law. Definitions of the

crime reaches far beyond casual views and word-analysis. In the final sieving, anything t

vilish to so gouge and mulct as to help kill the chances of millions of fell

y news is nasty news, concerning which the moral obligation is upon the newspaper fraternity not to flaunt it, time and again, at the top, under spread-type caption, for the edification of younglings. The writer has been in position to know that the bulk of newspaper men do not relish the kind of mental pabulum they feel they are

o, or reiteration of, such as erotic copy, would increase rather than yield its clientele. To

g power of the stuff, and take measures to protect his kids from it. That the case boils down to impressionable effect upon the babe in embryo, is sufficient to give good men pause over the publication of such as prurient matter,

l globe-trotters. Hence, a common publicity of dirt operates as a two-fold menace to good

have a natural predilection for that kind of print. They will do well to do it over their signatures, and thus permit the public to get a strangle hold on the few who would maim b

ddling filthy wares. There is no difference in principle between the two, and in practice only what demarcates retailing and jobbing. That, not onl

rship is in part thrust, and in part assumed, go

aldly dresses and acts the part, makes no pretentions

Beau Brummel would have envied, poses about in a "Packard Six," and wouldn't appear on the street "on a bet" under a hat a day out of style. Also, he spreads "easy-money" all along the sporting pike from baseball to the bawd. And also, the high finance

always ridden the tiring nation to its last gasp. But it remained for Anglo-Saxon Christians to lend unqualified approval to intrinsic drones, who elect at the best to play for their "pile" and make hard working me

s, but their moral support as well; followers, mind you, ostensibly of Him who rage

at at least ninety per cent of them either pull or aim to pull directly or indirectly at strings on the "rake off." This from the coll

nsists in hardening oneself to give and take the greatest amount of physical p

t one may take care of oneself in case one is thuggishly assaulted; a

uous exercise habitually taken on after the plastic period, results practically in a stretching of the muscles and tissues, and a feeding of them so stretched. Thereafter, the like of the form of exercise wit

al cream of colleges, they do not stand out in life insurance statistics as by natural right they would, had they exercised and trained to Nature's bidding, instead of to the snap of the p

flam, not the least pernicious of which is that they must

that some have a bit of grit ground into them. Sport must ride lads to a degree, else be robbed of enthusiasm that makes for wholesome results; but the moment t

tal honorables, as exemplars of all a lad should be and strive for, it is time to call check; and if the grossly overdone sporting procliv

bue lads and lassies with the ideals of the shouldering hog, and the instincts of the boss bull? Where else than in the moral gutter should a

fs on those who advisedly prey upon the weak crotchets and vicious curves of their kind. Adding to the germane tens of thousands of flouted laws wont do it; nor

abit-marked grown-ups, bidden to her bosom from the scrap heaps of nations. Now, she ma

lic safety only in the acts of the crassest of felonious offenders: whereas much more of fateful consequence resides

g moral law, the basic steps would be taken at once to stop the criminal and solve the crime problem. The foraging criminal holds that he at least takes the gamble

se, there is no defense of the well-born, well-brought-up man who descends in his dealings with his fellowmen to the level of the card shark. Yet even the latter is light in the

es to be a social asset not only; he is a menace to the moral health of the nation. Did he not stand convicted

will come out of that particular form of nerve storm because she will have to do so. She will have to do so for the very good reason that she cannot much longer

ned dollars mean big production, and big production means an average big spending and investing capacity. That, in turn, means brisk business along the

the general well-being. In the other case, the immoral dollar had passed and will pass mainly from the pocket of one mulcting parasite into the pocket of another mulcting parasite. It had and will, because human parasites produce nothing tangible in exchange for that which is dumped into their palms.

The capital brief society should hold against him is that he plys intrinsically c

to each other when diving foreign exchange upheaved home values? What did they do to every body for long months after prices should have dropped pretty close to their no

in question"? That's a live wire, is that question; a live wire of the kind concerning which the c

and that the meanest kind of thievery is that which raises the ante on what should be common commodities and conveniences, beyond the purchasing p

oletariat on the use that has been made of them. Start with the French Revolution and come on

ed from the poor-house at the age of 65, in so far as their own financial resources are concerned. But they now have the fists of their minds doubled to batter those who would build and o

meticulously groomed and brushed parasite; next, whether he plys deft fin

between brothers, dulls the finer sensibilities, lowers both the mental and moral tonus of mankind, and che

it is necessary to think, in order to classify men and motives. They are t

ed. Myriads of humans who never face a presiding judge, plan and execute mora

actically force-fed with moral precepts; that, very largely, because they know milli

riminals mount there in numbers; and so long will they justify themselves

inciple leaves him spokesman for thousands of moral weaklings who are always on the fence, undecisive as to

uch as the late bestial scandal enacted at Jersey City. He is "convinced" that Catholic and Protestant ministers are "impugning mo

hty do? What the implication of his own monstrous and most illogical libel, if not that those on whom America does and must rely for moral guidance, s

not to say fat-headed betimes; but let us hope that they may be relied upon finally to search

of the mentor; they specifically do, because predal parasites bank on being able to point to them as having said and done

Count them, and get the cut of

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