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The Queen of Hearts

The Second Day

Word Count: 478    |    Released on: 19/11/2017

ly, with the pleasant conviction on my mind that our e

I could put the question to her, she declared of her own accord, and with her customary exaggeration, that s

we all parted for the night; "and, even if I wanted to leave you, I c

for George's return. Again to-day I searched the new

work, during her absence, on the stories that still remained to be completed. Owen desponded about ever getting done; Morgan grumbled at w

the clock struck eight she drew out the second card. It

posed myself to be listening to him again, and have therefore written in his character, and, w henever my memory would help me, as nearly as possible in his language also. By this means I hope I have succeeded in giving an air of reality to a story which has truth, at any rate, to recommend it. I must ask you to excuse me if I enter into no details in offering t

myself to my task, and read

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