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Word Count: 1808    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

him with tragic incident or emotion of any kind. He is plainly a foreigner. He is short, fat, middle-aged, with a round fat face, radiant with good humour and good-natured enjoyment. His dre

ost innocent and good-natured soul on earth, and why should I seem to avoid him? Better, if he's looking for me, to let him f

in French. "Ah, ha, ha, ha! you are surprised, Sir, to see m

same language, shaking him warmly by the hand, and smiling down on the little man. "I shall never forget yo

Monsieur found it well evaded," he said, myster

I suppose you thou

ed Lebas, with a shrug. "But per

me before we part, and you'll bring your portmanteau and stay

briel Laroque, the watchmaker. He lives on the Hill of Ludgate, and he would be offended if I were to r

u are not the Pierre Lebas whom I remember sitting with his violin at an open window. So com

ittle things like that." He smiled archly as he produced from his waistcoat pocket a little flat box with a glass top, and shook something in it. "Commerce, you se

hildren?" He was going to say "Madam

four by my second, and all enjoy the very best health. Three are very young-three, t

ndly, and laid his h

nt for each from me, and one for Madame

ile, the chisel, and knife." And he made a correspondin

ous emphasis in the word. "My good friend, remember there are details we talk of, you and I together, that are n

efore my caution. My wife, she says, 'You can't wash your shirt but you must tell

ain whether his talk with this man, whom you would have taken to be little above the level of

e pleasure of putting down your stake for you; and, if you win, you shall buy something pretty for Ma

o good," he sai

ou can't mistake him-with the velvet waistcoat all in wrinkles, an


ord. Our English custom is to tip, as we say, our friend's sons at school, and to make presents to everybody, as often as we like. Now there-not a word." He quietly slipp

only five minutes before I came here, fifteen pou

very low tone, as I do. And do you mean to tell me


sealed if you do. There are gentlemen in this room who would hustle and rob you in the crowd as you get out; or, failing that,

one here but men distinguished,"

l attention of the police, s

houlder to the metal pillar of the gallery. My faith! he has observed my steps and followed me. I thought he was a spy. But my friend he says 'No, that is a man of bad

ere are people here other than gentlemen

ittle, "I have this weapon," produ

a police activity respecting foreigners, and that two have been arrested only yesterday on no ch

to the Hill

they won't let you bac

as, keeping his hand now in

of his finger a little ov

gcluse, suddenly. "Is yo


London friend in th


whom you can trust, an

m place his purse so," he said, touching h

the far end of the room? They open into two parallel corridors leading to the hall, and a little way down there is a cross passage, in the middle o

swered Lebas. "I shall be writing to the Baron van Boe

is the baron?"

ing of retiring. I will tell him his work has succeeded. If h

pered Longcl

nd, but dropping his voice to a whisper. "He also sav

iled archly. In a moment Longcluse's impatient fr

hich I hope he will not think very impertinent?" asked Monsie

u can't be what you say-I am too much obliged

ore and parted, and Monsi

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1 Chapter 1 MORTLAKE HALL.2 Chapter 2 MARTHA TANSEY.3 Chapter 3 MR. LONGCLUSE OPENS HIS HEART.4 Chapter 4 MONSIEUR LEBAS.5 Chapter 5 A CATASTROPHE.6 Chapter 6 TO BED.7 Chapter 7 FAST FRIENDS.8 Chapter 8 CONCERNING A BOOT.9 Chapter 9 THE MAN WITHOUT A NAME.10 Chapter 10 THE ROYAL OAK.11 Chapter 11 THE TELEGRAM ARRIVES.12 Chapter 12 SIR REGINALD ARDEN.13 Chapter 13 ON THE ROAD.14 Chapter 14 MR. LONGCLUSE'S BOOT FINDS A TEMPORARY ASYLUM.15 Chapter 15 FATHER AND SON.16 Chapter 16 A MIDNIGHT MEETING.17 Chapter 17 MR. LONGCLUSE AT MORTLAKE HALL.18 Chapter 18 THE PARTY IN THE DINING-ROOM.19 Chapter 19 IN MRS. TANSEY'S ROOM.20 Chapter 20 MRS. TANSEY'S STORY.21 Chapter 21 A WALK BY MOONLIGHT.22 Chapter 22 MR. LONGCLUSE MAKES AN ODD CONFIDENCE.23 Chapter 23 THE MEETING.24 Chapter 24 MR. LONGCLUSE FOLLOWS A SHADOW.25 Chapter 25 A TETE-A-TETE.26 Chapter 26 THE GARDEN AT MORTLAKE.27 Chapter 27 WINGED WORDS.28 Chapter 28 STORIES ABOUT MR. LONGCLUSE.29 Chapter 29 THE GARDEN PARTY.30 Chapter 30 HE SEES HER.31 Chapter 31 ABOUT THE GROUNDS.32 Chapter 32 UNDER THE LIME-TREES.33 Chapter 33 THE DERBY.34 Chapter 34 A SHARP COLLOQUY.35 Chapter 35 DINNER AT MORTLAKE.36 Chapter 36 MR. LONGCLUSE SEES A LADY'S NOTE.37 Chapter 37 WHAT ALICE COULD SAY.38 Chapter 38 GENTLEMEN IN TROUBLE.39 Chapter 39 BETWEEN FRIENDS.40 Chapter 40 AN INTERVIEW IN THE STUDY.41 Chapter 41 VAN APPOINTS HIMSELF TO A DIPLOMATIC POST.42 Chapter 42 DIPLOMACY.43 Chapter 43 A LETTER AND A SUMMONS.44 Chapter 44 THE REASON OF ALICE'S NOTE.45 Chapter 45 COLLISION.46 Chapter 46 AN UNKNOWN FRIEND.47 Chapter 47 BY THE RIVER.48 Chapter 48 SUDDEN NEWS.49 Chapter 49 VOWS FOR THE FUTURE.50 Chapter 50 UNCLE DAVID'S SUSPICIONS.51 Chapter 51 THE SILHOUETTE.52 Chapter 52 MR. LONGCLUSE EMPLOYED.53 Chapter 53 THE NIGHT OF THE FUNERAL.54 Chapter 54 AMONG THE TREES.55 Chapter 55 MR. LONGCLUSE SEES A FRIEND.56 Chapter 56 A HOPE EXPIRES.57 Chapter 57 LEVI'S APOLOGUE.58 Chapter 58 THE BARON COMES TO TOWN.59 Chapter 59 TWO OLD FRIENDS MEET AND PART.60 Chapter 60 "SAUL."61 Chapter 61 A WAKING DREAM.62 Chapter 62 LOVE AND PLAY.63 Chapter 63 PLANS.64 Chapter 64 FROM FLOWER TO FLOWER.65 Chapter 65 BEHIND THE ARRAS.66 Chapter 66 A BUBBLE BROKEN.67 Chapter 67 BOND AND DEED.68 Chapter 68 SIR RICHARD'S RESOLUTION.69 Chapter 69 THE MEETING. No.6970 Chapter 70 MR. LONGCLUSE PROPOSES.71 Chapter 71 NIGHT.72 Chapter 72 MEASURES.73 Chapter 73 AT THE BAR OF THE "GUY OF WARWICK."74 Chapter 74 A LETTER.75 Chapter 75 BLIGHT AND CHANGE.76 Chapter 76 PH BE CHIFFINCH.77 Chapter 77 MORE NEWS OF PAUL DAVIES.78 Chapter 78 THE CATACOMBS.79 Chapter 79 RESURRECTIONS.80 Chapter 80 ANOTHER.81 Chapter 81 BROKEN.82 Chapter 82 DOPPELGANGER.83 Chapter 83 A SHORT PARTING.84 Chapter 84 AT MORTLAKE.85 Chapter 85 THE CRISIS.86 Chapter 86 PURSUIT.87 Chapter 87 CONCLUSION.88 Chapter 88 No.8889 Chapter 89 No.89